**** April 2019 mummies ****

I got my first 'booking in' midwife appointment today. They rung me and gave me it. It's for 5th sept so I will be 8+6. She said anywhere between 8-10 weeks is normal and then 12 week scan. I think if your 6weeks and u still don't have an appointment that's nothing to worry about, I'm sure it will come through next week

That sounds similar to round here on the Wirral xx
Oh, so I am very very early then! :lol:

Mummymoreton I am glad everything is ok
So glad you got good news mummymoreton! :D 2 weeks today til my first scan and booking in appointment, can’t wait!! Boobs are so sore today, had to go bra shopping and get some softer bigger ones, my old ones are just so tight and uncomfortable!
So glad you got good news mummymoreton! :D 2 weeks today til my first scan and booking in appointment, can’t wait!! Boobs are so sore today, had to go bra shopping and get some softer bigger ones, my old ones are just so tight and uncomfortable!

My new bras are already starting to feel tight! :rofl:
Girls... I n3d some reassurance... I've been having these shooting pains followed by less sharp pains all afternoon/evening. It's freaking me out!! Google does say it's normal but I'm still scared. After having 3 miscarriages in the past 12months anything pain related scares me. Although in my previous pregnancies this has never happened which makes me think it's a good sign. Am I being silly and over reacting?!
Girls... I n3d some reassurance... I've been having these shooting pains followed by less sharp pains all afternoon/evening. It's freaking me out!! Google does say it's normal but I'm still scared. After having 3 miscarriages in the past 12months anything pain related scares me. Although in my previous pregnancies this has never happened which makes me think it's a good sign. Am I being silly and over reacting?!

I know how you feel I’m a nervous wreck too I’ve had a chemical and a miscarriage in the last 8 months, I’ve been having shooting pains around my hips/sides, shooting pains up my vagina, and the odd bit of period type pain here and there and also lower back ache on and off, but I think it’s actually a good sign - I know my hcg is rising normally as I got 2-3 on a clearblue digital at 14dpo and 3+ at 20 DPO if it was a sign of an imminent MC I don’t think my hcg would have risen to normal timescales like that, I didn’t get much pains in my last pregnancy which turned out to be a blighted ovum, let’s interpret it as a sign that there is growth going on in there! X
I've been so tempted to buy a clear blue digital but I've stopped myself. I'm scared it will show me something I don't want to see. I just need to hang on until Tuesday for my scan!
Yeah I was scared to do the digital too! But I don’t have a scan until 3rd sept and I was driving myself mad with the cheap tests looking at how much darker the line was so I just faced the fear and done it! It reassured me for about 5 minutes though ha ha, yeah you are probably just better waiting for your scan which is a lot more accurate then a clearblue test!
I got my first 'booking in' midwife appointment today. They rung me and gave me it. It's for 5th sept so I will be 8+6. She said anywhere between 8-10 weeks is normal and then 12 week scan. I think if your 6weeks and u still don't have an appointment that's nothing to worry about, I'm sure it will come through next week

Ahhhh I might hold fire then, but to the oh’s annoyance 🙄 but they decide when is best at the end of the day x
Woke up with a terrible headache in the middle of the night last night which has lasted all day, don’t think i drank enough water yesterday as I was so busy and barely sat down all day, I’m reminding myself now that looking after myself and getting plenty of fluids and eating good food is more important then anything else right now!

I’ve got a busy weekend coming up with a meal and cocktails with a group of friends on sat then afternoon tea with prosecco with one of my oldest friends on Sunday, I’ve decided I’m going to turn up and say I’ve had a bad migraine last few days (partly true!) so I’m taking it easy - instead of saying oh I’m not drinking because.... as I know that will just immediately make everyone suspicious, so I’m going to go the bar on my own and get non alcoholic cocktails and with the afternoon tea just say to my friend she can have my prosecco cos of the migraine and just go to the bar and get something non alcoholic! I’m kind of looking forward to seeing whether I can pull this off or not!!

This is the bit that’s getting to me the most as shallow as it might seem, and I don’t mean the whole drinking thing - I can do that. It’s being in all the up and coming social events which involve drink and I’ve juat had to tell the truth to my closest friends. Thankfully I have consciously left our social calendar diary free, as we are saving for a house, so thank god i did or a lot more people would realise what’s up. I just don’t want so many people knowing :wall2:

We’re in London tomoz on what was originally meant to be an all day drinking sesh, I’ve already killed that vibe and will be on non alcoholic coktails!

We can do this girls :lol:
Woke up with a terrible headache in the middle of the night last night which has lasted all day, don’t think i drank enough water yesterday as I was so busy and barely sat down all day, I’m reminding myself now that looking after myself and getting plenty of fluids and eating good food is more important then anything else right now!

I’ve got a busy weekend coming up with a meal and cocktails with a group of friends on sat then afternoon tea with prosecco with one of my oldest friends on Sunday, I’ve decided I’m going to turn up and say I’ve had a bad migraine last few days (partly true!) so I’m taking it easy - instead of saying oh I’m not drinking because.... as I know that will just immediately make everyone suspicious, so I’m going to go the bar on my own and get non alcoholic cocktails and with the afternoon tea just say to my friend she can have my prosecco cos of the migraine and just go to the bar and get something non alcoholic! I’m kind of looking forward to seeing whether I can pull this off or not!!

This is the bit that’s getting to me the most as shallow as it might seem, and I don’t mean the whole drinking thing - I can do that. It’s being in all the up and coming social events which involve drink and I’ve juat had to tell the truth to my closest friends. Thankfully I have consciously left our social calendar diary free, as we are saving for a house, so thank god i did or a lot more people would realise what’s up. I just don’t want so many people knowing :wall2:

We’re in London tomoz on what was originally meant to be an all day drinking sesh, I’ve already killed that vibe and will be on non alcoholic coktails!

We can do this girls :lol:

It’s definitely going to be difficult to pull off, after August though thankfully I have nothing in my calendar, I’m determined that no one is going to know until I’m ready to tell people, whenever that may be, I’m just too scared to right now. me and the OH went for a nice meal tonight and I really would have fancied a nice glass of wine, I think I will miss it a little bit this weekend!
At least you will save some money tomorrow then IVW! Think of how much money we will all save by not being able to drink over Christmas :dance:
Has anyone else noticed a weight change?? I've lost 3lb since Monday... Would understand if I'd had sickness but I haven't. And haven't been able to resist chocolate which I've been eating everyday! Seems slightly strange!!
Girls... I n3d some reassurance... I've been having these shooting pains followed by less sharp pains all afternoon/evening. It's freaking me out!! Google does say it's normal but I'm still scared. After having 3 miscarriages in the past 12months anything pain related scares me. Although in my previous pregnancies this has never happened which makes me think it's a good sign. Am I being silly and over reacting?!

How's the pains this morning?
I have been having pain and spotting since I found out and I have been freaking out. But everything seems to be as it should so trying to chill. I have had 5 losses over the years. This is baby number 5 and a bit of a surprise but feeling really anxious all the time. Your not overreacting but my only advice (which I need to listen to) is to try and chill it won't do any good. Obviously if any pain you get is followed by bleeding etc or it doesn't go away at all I would mention it to your gp and they would probably refer to epu xxx
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Morning ladies. I am so happy to ask if I can join you. BFP this morning and due approx 29th :) :) xx
Girls... I n3d some reassurance... I've been having these shooting pains followed by less sharp pains all afternoon/evening. It's freaking me out!! Google does say it's normal but I'm still scared. After having 3 miscarriages in the past 12months anything pain related scares me. Although in my previous pregnancies this has never happened which makes me think it's a good sign. Am I being silly and over reacting?!

How's the pains this morning?
I have been having pain and spotting since I found out and I have been freaking out. But everything seems to be as it should so trying to chill. I have had 5 losses over the years. This is baby number 5 and a bit of a surprise but feeling really anxious all the time. Your not overreacting but my only advice (which I need to listen to) is to try and chill it won't do any good. Obviously if any pain you get is followed by bleeding etc or it doesn't go away at all I would mention it to your gp and they would probably refer to epu xxx

I'm not getting the shooting pains anymore but still feels very uncomfortable. I rung my boss and told her I needed to work from home, there's no way I would have been able to sit in the office all day. It just feels like loads of pressure down in that region... I can't really describe it!! I've googled it and apparently it's totally normal!!!

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