**** April 2019 mummies ****

Girls... I n3d some reassurance... I've been having these shooting pains followed by less sharp pains all afternoon/evening. It's freaking me out!! Google does say it's normal but I'm still scared. After having 3 miscarriages in the past 12months anything pain related scares me. Although in my previous pregnancies this has never happened which makes me think it's a good sign. Am I being silly and over reacting?!

How's the pains this morning?
I have been having pain and spotting since I found out and I have been freaking out. But everything seems to be as it should so trying to chill. I have had 5 losses over the years. This is baby number 5 and a bit of a surprise but feeling really anxious all the time. Your not overreacting but my only advice (which I need to listen to) is to try and chill it won't do any good. Obviously if any pain you get is followed by bleeding etc or it doesn't go away at all I would mention it to your gp and they would probably refer to epu xxx

I'm not getting the shooting pains anymore but still feels very uncomfortable. I rung my boss and told her I needed to work from home, there's no way I would have been able to sit in the office all day. It just feels like loads of pressure down in that region... I can't really describe it!! I've googled it and apparently it's totally normal!!!

I was going to write down that I am so anxious because since yesterday I got this kind of pain discomfort and I feel so worried something can go wrong....omg I can see my self stressing all the first trimester lol
Ugh I’m so anxious today, I’ve had the tiniest amount of brown spotting this afternoon and even though I know it’s normal it completely sets me on edge and makes me so worried. Every time I go to the toilet I’m checking there’s no red blood :shock: I don’t want to wish my pregnancy away but I wish it was around the 14 week mark so I can relax a bit!! I’m trying to stay calm and positive for the little bean’s sake but days like today it’s hard :(
Ugh I’m so anxious today, I’ve had the tiniest amount of brown spotting this afternoon and even though I know it’s normal it completely sets me on edge and makes me so worried. Every time I go to the toilet I’m checking there’s no red blood :shock: I don’t want to wish my pregnancy away but I wish it was around the 14 week mark so I can relax a bit!! I’m trying to stay calm and positive for the little bean’s sake but days like today it’s hard :(

It is very hard, I do think the first trimester it is the more "worried" one....if that make sense :roll:
Ugh I’m so anxious today, I’ve had the tiniest amount of brown spotting this afternoon and even though I know it’s normal it completely sets me on edge and makes me so worried. Every time I go to the toilet I’m checking there’s no red blood :shock: I don’t want to wish my pregnancy away but I wish it was around the 14 week mark so I can relax a bit!! I’m trying to stay calm and positive for the little bean’s sake but days like today it’s hard :(

It’s so hard not to overanalyse everything at this early stage isn’t it, the brown spotting sounds like nothing to worry about, , some women just seem to get harmless unexplained discharges and even bleeding, I think a lot of us on here will be so glad to get to the 13/14 week stage, like you I feel like I’m sat here wishing my life away at the moment, hang in there jomo not long until your 8 week scan now x
Glad I am not the only one - I am not overly panicking, but its hard to not worry about something you cant control / see - we just have to hope its cooking away nicely <3
Hi ladies!
Saw my community midwife this morning to get the ball rolling, so she is sending off to the hospital I've chosen for my booking appointment and scan. Fx I hear back soon! Feeling real now!
I'm hoping I get my appointment around the 20th when I will be 12 weeks as I think it was a bit late last time, although I put on my notes I'm away my 13th week so they should see me on time.

I am super exhausted today and getting really bad headaches, back also really sore, it isn't pleasant! Doesn't help we're currently decorating our new house so loads to be on my feet for and do.

Ds had a clingy fit this afternoon after a nap so I did get cuddles on the sofa for a good hour.

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Oh and I've discovered my first food aversion!
I had a custard cream with a cup of tea, took one bite and gave the rest to my husband. Gutted, I usually love a custard cream!

My appetite has seriously diminished too, I could be starving but once I've had 3 or 4 bites I don't want any more,

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Girls I am worried, Clear blue digital this morning said "not pregnant" and I took another FRER and seems less dark than yesterday.....I don't know what to think, I am just crying.....what this means, am I miscarrying or can be a chemical? I am not pregnant?
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Girls I am worried, Clear blue digital this morning said "not pregnant" and I took another FRER and seems less dark than yesterday.....I don't know what to think, I am just crying.....what this means, am I miscarrying or can be a chemical? I am not pregnant?

Aw sorry you are having this horrible stress crumble It can take around 48 hours for hcg to double so it could just be that your hormone levels have not risen yet from yesterday and need a few more days to get a nice line, Hopefully it won’t be a chemical but there is always the chance of that, it’s horrible but the only thing you can do now is sit tight and give it another 24 hours or so to test again, got my fingers crossed for you x
Girls I am worried, Clear blue digital this morning said "not pregnant" and I took another FRER and seems less dark than yesterday.....I don't know what to think, I am just crying.....what this means, am I miscarrying or can be a chemical? I am not pregnant?

Aw sorry you are having this horrible stress crumble It can take around 48 hours for hcg to double so it could just be that your hormone levels have not risen yet from yesterday and need a few more days to get a nice line, Hopefully it won’t be a chemical but there is always the chance of that, it’s horrible but the only thing you can do now is sit tight and give it another 24 hours or so to test again, got my fingers crossed for you x

I just hope this is a horrible nightmare and everything will be fine.....but that sign "not pregnant" on the clear blue digital is in my mind....
Crumble it's soul destroying seeing those words on a digi. I hope everything will be ok - have you missed your period yet? I know you tested early.
The digis aren't quite as sensitive as frers, or it may be your urine is a bit more watered down or something. Hopefully not a chemical.
Nothing can be done except wait and see. Good luck x

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Crumble it's soul destroying seeing those words on a digi. I hope everything will be ok - have you missed your period yet? I know you tested early.
The digis aren't quite as sensitive as frers, or it may be your urine is a bit more watered down or something. Hopefully not a chemical.
Nothing can be done except wait and see. Good luck x
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My AF are due on the 20th. I don't know if Clear blue digital need more time to come up as positive and maybe it is that my urine not so dense as I been drinking water all night as very thirsty.....I can just wait.....I wish I never tested today, I was so happy yesterday.
Sorry to hear you’re going through this stress crumble, bear in mind clear blue only becomes 99% accurate from the day of your missed period so hold tight and maybe wait until the 20th to avoid any more scares? That way you know for sure if you’re getting an accurate result xx
Call me psychopath but I decided to open the digital one and see what the strip in it would show....and this is what I found: two stripes, one of them shows a basic line plus one that to me look positive! I don't know what the second strip is but looks got just the second line on it if that make sense.....
I am trying to upload the picture and doesn't work, must be my day :x
I decided to wait until tomorrow and test again in the morning. I will keep my positive thoughts as I am not bleeding and I been sick (tmi) this morning and I feel nauseated. I can just wait and I will, I will tell to my little crumble to stick and hold on strong <3
I’ve heard a digi will always have two lines if you take them apart crumble, not sure why but apparently they work differently to other tests, it’s probably just still too early for a digital especially if implantation has only happened within the last few days xx
Aww crumble! It's so stressful! I hate the digi tests and I actually swore blind I would never buy them again. I had something similar happen to me when I had my 4th child. I tested before I was due AF as I had a clear positive on an early first response. But like you said it came up not pregnant. I don't rate them too early I have done them with this pregnancy but when I was coming up to 5 weeks xxx

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