*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Me & OH have just had an argument because I've been feeling more sick than I have so far this pregnancy and he said that I'm not the only one. But he hadn't said anything. Anyway, this escalated into a huge row in front of DS so I've scooped DS up, bundled him into the car and am taking refuge at my mum and dads house while they are on holiday. I've never felt so sad and alone :(

Sorry to be a complete bummer but I needed to talk to someone :(

Aww Cossie, how are things now? I hope your ok,
I've just done another digi and it's still showing 2-3 weeks when will I expect a 3+ xx
Me and OH have been a little fractious too with each other as I've felt awful recently x
Hi Cossie, sorry to hear that! I really hope your weekend gets better.

I had an awful fight with DH a couple of weekends ago. It all blew over by the end of the day, I hope the same happens for you xx
Hey cossie sorry you've had a fight,I'm sure hell realise how hard it is on you being so sick all the time and apologize. Our DD is at her grans tonight and I've spent all day on the couch feeling rotten since we got back from our scan. Feels a waste but I just feel shit!

Good news is we saw bean after having an internal and heartbeat was there measuring 7+1 so all seems well yay! Rubbish picture but suppose there's not much to see yet lol xx


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Oh cossie, sorry to hear that - that's really not what you need right now. I hope it all blows over soon. xx

Great scan pic mrs cookie! I have a similar one from mine - can't stop looking at it :) x
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Such a magical moment isn't it seeing the little heart beating! Makes all this sickness worth while haha! X
Cossie hun. I hope you are ok. What you probably need is a big hug. Maybe all the worry has taken its toll on him. Its hard for tgem yo understand how hard it is when you feel crap. I really hope you can sort it out soon hun. Sending you a big hug :hug:
Thanks ladies just had a wobbler last night. A loves other kids too and he'll have just turned 3 when this little one is due so he'll be a great wee help.

I've not even thought about birth plans yet - last time I was under general anaesthetic. Went from feeling absolutely fine to my heart rate doubling and A's halving rushed down to labour ward to a room full of doctors and midwives waiting on me, waters broken and rushed to theatre in about 30 mins. It took 2 hours to stablise me and bring me round. And it still haunts me the A was in special care without me or his dad while they checked him over. I still don't know if he was born crying because I've been too scared to ask details. But now I think I want to know everything and I'm going to ask if it'd be possible to sit down with a consultant and discuss it all before making any decisions on this birth.

Aw no Cossie hope you're OK. We had a massive fight a few nights before I found out I was pregnant then as soon as I did the test I knew it was the hormones that made things go so much worse than it needed to be.

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Mrs cookie - it really was magical :) can't wait to see it again!! x
I thought I had a bad labour but reading some of these I had it easy. Although I am petrified of getting this baby out already. X
Aww sounds so scary cd,im sure theyll be hapoy to go over it all with you so you feel more confident this time round.

I had a lovely labour first time round,was really lucky. Have to travel an hour and a half to the hospital this time so hoping I'm not one of those mums who has a super quick second lab our and end up giving birth in the car lol
CDx your previous labour sounded v traumatic. At least you have tge consultants aware of your situation in advance. Its very likely everything will go ok but talking it through with them might help to reassure you.

Cossie....how are things this morning? Hope youve sorted things out with OH....mbest to get it sorted sooner rather than later hun x

How is everyone else this morning?
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Thanks ladies everything is sorted now. I think everything is just getting on top of us. We're trying to work out finances with baby #2 on the way and last week the cam belt snapped on our car and they're saying it's going to cost about £1000 to repair at least. So now we need to work out whether it's worth doing or whether we need to just buy a new car. And we are off on holiday on Friday so I think OH is thinking that with the cost of the car we won't be able to enjoy our hols but I've told him that's a load of rubbish! I'm hoping once we know what we're doing regarding the car and once we're in France he'll start to relax a little and we can get back to normality.

I don't think it helps that my morning sickness is particularly bad at the moment and I have no idea what foods are going to set it off til it's too late! Apologies for rambling yesterday and being all grumpy and down, I'm going to put it down to hormones on my part!

Hope everyone is ok today :)

I woke up at 2am needing diarrhoea I keep having that but I've read it's common in the first trimester, I think I'd rather that then be constipated, also very gassy oh keeps calling me attractive lol, any of you the same? Xx
So happy got my 3+ this morning :-) back at hospital at 1 for second lot of bloods xx


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I'm thoroughly confused, I replied to you all this morning with a long(ish) post explaining that everything got on top of us and with my hormones being all over the place it didn't help. But for some reason it hasn't posted, weird.

Really pleased for you holli! I'm sure it'll all go well for you this afternoon :) ah, I'm constipated holli and I'd much rather have the diarrhoea if I'm honest! But I'm also very gassy. I've been waking up on the hour every hour the last few nights and I have no idea why!

I'm glad your ok cossie been thinking of you and looking for updates,
I've never passed wind as much as Iam now and it's not as if I can hide them as they are loud long rippers so lady like ha!
I think I would rather have the runs than sickness I hate been sick although I feel nauseous just not actually throwing up xx
I go from constipated to diarrohea haven't actually been since Wednesday.
Glad all is ok cossie.
I'm so tired. Was up at 8 am just had another half hour nap.
Not as nauseous today but heaving a little. My sense of smell has well and truly heightened though. X
I'm with you on that loula was in Morrisons Friday and could smell fish from cafe I had to walk out and oh has had mackerel couldn't deal with it yet I've always been a sea food lover xx

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