Wow it's busy on here! With my first pregnancy I was on here all the time but not had a minute this week. I called the midwife and they want to see me this week, when I'll only be about 6 weeks. I thought it was really strange because I was 10 weeks with my booking appointment with A.
Anyone else feel really guilty and like they are cheating on their first born? I just want to hug him all the time and constantly tell him I love him - well even more than normal! I've been really teary over it and hope he doesn't hate me for turning his wee world upside down.
Also having loads of anxiety after a traumatic birth experience last time, me and A almost died and I'm terrified of it happening again and leaving him without a mummy. I know after my first appointment I'll be red path, under close consultant care and have loads of checks but in the back of my mind there is loads of what Ifs. I wish I was oblivious and naive like I was first time round.