*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Wow! Tri 3 seems an age away yet! :lol:

Good luck for your scan holli! :hugs:

I'm just back from hospital. There was a little black dot on the scan I woudlnt of seen it if she hadn't pointed it out to me, feel violated after that ha she measures me at 5 weeks the sac was 3.5mm she's taken bloods and is going to call me after 3:30 to let me know what my beta level is and she wants me back in Sunday for more bloods to check they are rising nicely, she said I'll be called back for another scan in a week or two feel so relived, she told me off as she could see pregnancy tests in my bag that I bought in the boots hospital shop on offer haha just done a FR and test line is stronger than control line :-) so looks like I'm either a late April or early may baby xx
I think the differences from my pregnancy with DS are what are making me worry a little. My boobs, although bigger as soon as I got a positive test are only mildly painful. Last time they hurt like hell wherever touched.

I gagged at a lot more with him as will. Just nowhere near as intense this time so far.

Still up to pee at least twice a night though.
Maybe this baby will be a girl lander? They say if is totally opposite then it will be the opposite sex not sure how true that is though xx
Maybe this baby will be a girl lander? They say if is totally opposite then it will be the opposite sex not sure how true that is though xx

would be nice. Happy with a healthy baby either way though.

My friend had three really different pregnancies but they are all girls lol

Who knows eh? :)
Will you be finding out the sex? Or wait till birth? I'm finding out don't think I can hold off that long haha will probably buy a private scan at 16 weeks xx
I'll be finding out around 16 weeks too. I did with DS and I'm just too impatient! Also I think it's nice having that 'in between' scan before the 20 week one.

Really pleased your scan went well holli :) do you want me to add you to our list or would you rather wait til your 12 week scan and when you know your due date?

I've had some good news this afternoon - I've been discharged from the local mental health team that I was under for my postnatal depression! :D I'm so happy!

You must be so relieved. 3.5mm .....so tiny! At least you have another scan in a couple of weeks too xx
Wow I feel so nauseous and crappy today. So glad I've finished work and got the whole weekend. Watching well today and weeing well haha.

I won't be getting a gender scan at 16 weeks as quite a few of my friends from all different areas have been told the wrong sex.
Well hospital have called and said my beta was 1862 Im well chuffed repeating them on Sunday xx
Really wasn't expecting them to be that high thought they would be a few hundred xx
Thats great cossie bring discharged. Think positive x

Prob going to find out sex so we can get kids excited and prepare in advance. I hope what has happened to loulas friends is rare! Makes you think twice though in investing in lots of pink or blue clothes/equipment! X
Wow it's busy on here! With my first pregnancy I was on here all the time but not had a minute this week. I called the midwife and they want to see me this week, when I'll only be about 6 weeks. I thought it was really strange because I was 10 weeks with my booking appointment with A.

Anyone else feel really guilty and like they are cheating on their first born? I just want to hug him all the time and constantly tell him I love him - well even more than normal! I've been really teary over it and hope he doesn't hate me for turning his wee world upside down.

Also having loads of anxiety after a traumatic birth experience last time, me and A almost died and I'm terrified of it happening again and leaving him without a mummy. I know after my first appointment I'll be red path, under close consultant care and have loads of checks but in the back of my mind there is loads of what Ifs. I wish I was oblivious and naive like I was first time round.

CDx....sounds like it was really traumatic. At least the specialists are aware this time so you will be well monitored and looked after.

I remember feeling guilty when pregnant with my 2nd and having thoughts like...."how am i going to be able to love this baby as much as i love my DS"....but the moment she was born everything changed. My DS was so pleased to have a baby to play with. I got him involved as much as i could, even though he was only 20mths when DD was born. I think that helped and they bonded and had a great relationship when toddlers.....now they are 12 and 10 they either get on really well or fight like cat and dogs! :lol:

You have nothing to be guilty about. In fact you are giving your DS a wonderful present and hopefully in time you will feel this hun xx
I'm sure everything will be fine this time around C, but I understand your panic. My last birth wasn't quite as bad but it wasn't pleasant. I had an cat 1 emergency c section with Alex in which from being told it was happening to him being born was like 5 minutes! It was all such a blur and I've already said I'd love a VBAC this time around if I can.

I don't think I've felt guilty at all if I'm honest. I'm more excited for DS as he loves other children and is so good with babies! My plan is to involve him in looking after the baby as much as I can - if I have to bottle feed again at least he can help with that, he could help get the nappy changing stuff as he does with his own nappy now and I have so many other ideas that I am hoping will work that means I just don't feel guilty. I know I will love both of my children equally and that is what matters most. Also, I'm feeling too sick to actually feel anything else at the minute! :lol:

Hope everyone has some nice plans for the weekend? Xx

I'm excited for DS to have a sibling. He already loves going to look at smaller babies when we go out to places etc. But I do have emotional moments writing that he'll be upset that he's not got me to himself anymore. He'll be about 19 months though so to young to really notice in the long run.

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