*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Yes I've had stretch feelings and also weird feelings in upper abdomen (I assume this is down to everything moving around ready go baby to move upwards!) it's all very strange and I don't remember any of this with DS! :lol:

How did your scan go meg? Xx

Brilliant loula I'm pleased yours went well as well!!

Mine went really well to a I'm at 6 weeks so a week behind where we thought. So new due date is 25th. They could pick up a heart beat through an external scan, but got a much clearer picture internally.

All feels so much more real now. Keep having little tearful moments - not sure if I can blame hormones or just feeling like I've had a stressful day!!

Good luck to anyone still waiting for scans! Xx
Fantastic meg!! I'm so pleased it's all turned out ok for everyone! I'll keep everyone's due dates the same til we've all had our dating scans at 12 weeks and then I'll update - otherwise I could end up changing due dates too frequently! :lol:

I'm sure you can blame hormones meg, I already am! :lol:

That sounds very sensible about dates Cossie! Hmmm I wonder what else I can blame on pregnancy hormones???

Glad your scan went well meg! Is anyone suffering with bloatedness after eating? I currently feel like a whale!!!!!
I definately do. Every time...its worse after dinner in the evenings!
Great news Meg, glad all went well!! Did they tell you how big your baby is? They said mine is only 3.3 millimetres (which apparently is normal for this early on).
I feel like I'm about to explode.. I start late afternoon and evening my stomach has never felt so hard.. don't mind it to much in the evening when I have pj bottoms on haha x
They said mine was 4.8mm I think I'm a little ahead of you muffinski. They grow quickly at the moment don't they! Did yours still have a yolk sac? Mine was bigger than the baby :).

Activia yoghurts help loads with bloating :)

Mine still had a yolk sac at 8+4. Mine measured 20mm :D 5x bigger than at our last scan!

Will have to give activia a go, although all dairy gives me really bad heartburn :( x

My bloating in the evening is ridiculous. I took a photo of my belly the other morning and then one in the evening and the differwnce is crazy. X
Great....cant wait to see more pics! Then it will be 12 week scan pics! x
Wow stephlo! That's really strange. I'm just constantly bloated now :lol: it's very uncomfortable!

Ooo yay! Whose 12 week scan is first?

Just caught up so glad to see that the babies are all doing well ☺️

I've also been getting twingy pains, constantly worrying which is weird as I never really worried with my first pregnancy and I'm sure I had these type pains then to. I have loads of appointment dates through, my booking appointment is this Friday, my booking bloods were supposed to be next week but I'm in hospital on Wednesday having my next lumbar puncture so had to change booking bloods date to the 17th and my scan is on the 27th September but I can't get it off work as my manager is already off so got to change that date to, Typical right!
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Hi everyone!
Just been told about the April mummies thread and thought I'd drop a message to say hi to everyone :-)
Had my bfp 3 weeks ago and I was 17 days late for my period before I got my positive! Had an early scan due to a miscarriage I had in April. I'm now 7 weeks and 1 day. A fetal pole was seen and heartbeat so I'm over the moon. First midwife appointment booked for 13th September. Only symptoms atm is tiredness, feel like I need atleast one nap in the day. I also have sore breasts. No sickness or nausea like I had with my other two boys. I also suffered quite early on in my second pregnancy with pubic dysfunction syndrome that got worse further into pregnancy that I was given crutches, but so far I've had no pain down there as yet. Wanting to eat salad and drink fizzy drink alot which isn't normally like me! Gone off meat, especially sausages. Hope this helps others :-)
Congratulations on all your bfps!!
Welcome cathlou, i hope you have a smoother 9 months this time around.

My booking appt is 12/9 and scan 2/10. Scan still feel a way off but at least booking appt is week after next.

Cant wait to start seeing 12 wk scan photos x

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