*** April 2018 Mummies ***

Just been for my private scan.. what an amazing experience.. measuring 8 weeks 4 days so due date is 03rd April
Thats fab jward. It really reassuring to see heart beat. X
Fantastic jward! I've updated the front page and you're due first now! :)

Need some advice ladies
So last night when I went to to the loo on wiping it was bright red with small clots. Put on a pad and some blood the size of a 5p. That has stopped after that one episode and I got no nausea as of yesterday and my boobs feel normal. Np idea what to Do?
Loula, I would probably call your local EPU. Just explain and say with it being a weekend you can't get to see your GP. I called the other day and they were really helpful. Hopefully nothing to worry about but best to get it checked xx
Loula i agree with wishing. Ring epu for some reassurance hun. Probably be fine but best to get checked as its changed a bit. Hope it goes ok. Dont worry about bothering them....thats what they are they for xx
Advised to just monitor and only go in if it gets worse. 12 hours now and nothing c
Fingers crossed it doesnt get any worse. Its such a worrying time....roll on week 12. Surely this will help us to feel we are out the woods??? Hope youre able to relax and enjoy the rest of your wkd x
Gestational sack measures correct for dates but as scan was only over tummy and not internal they couldn't see fetal pole or heat beat. Re scan 13/09/17 6.15pm when I'll be 8+5. Nothing wrong but nothing confirmed either.

Meh. 'No news is good news and all that....

A bit frustrating but its common not to see heart beat so early on. Hopefully youll see a strong one at next scan x
I really don't get why these places don't do internal scans as there is so much evidence for better quality images and measurements etc.
I really don't get why these places don't do internal scans as there is so much evidence for better quality images and measurements etc.

They're just not 'diagnostic' at this place. Mainly images and 4D etc. They're lovely though, they remembered me from DS's 4D scan last summer and were really nice.

I still feel rough, boobs hurt earlier and I've got other mild symptoms still happening so will just try to keep thinking positive.

Running up to DS's 1st Birthday party on the 10th anyway to that's keeping me busy.

Please tell me other people are feeling horrendous at the moment.
I feel sick constantly and have a bad headache. A bit like a hangover without having the great night x
Hi loula, im not feeling sick thankfully. I have felt like heaving a little with certain smells like wholemeal sliced bread. I have really sore boobs and not sleeping well due to needing to pee 2/3 times overnight! Also had night sweats last night which meant i woke feeling drenched! I read morning sickness should start to settle for most women around 10-12 weeks so hoping that youll start to feel better soon x
Just catching up after a hectic few days.

Yes Loula, I'm feeling constantly horrific. Nauseous but no actual vomiting which just makes me feel like a fraud. And I am constantly exhausted. I genuinely think I could go into hibernation til tri 2!

I honestly do not remember feeling like this last time but maybe I blocked it out.
The past few days it's really just hit me. Yep I'm up lots in the night for a wee, I just feel nauseous which I'm not sure if being actually sick would make me feel better. I'm heaving a lot too throughout the day and feeling like I need to eat. I feel awful for OH and Dd as I just want to sleep and stay in x
Hello. I got my bfp last week. My guesstimated due date is 30th April. Could you add me to the thread please xx
I honestly do not remember feeling like this last time but maybe I blocked it out.
The past few days it's really just hit me. Yep I'm up lots in the night for a wee, I just feel nauseous which I'm not sure if being actually sick would make me feel better. I'm heaving a lot too throughout the day and feeling like I need to eat. I feel awful for OH and Dd as I just want to sleep and stay in x

You need to hold onto the fact that it wont last forever. Hopefully just another 2-3 weeks. Are you able to eat little and often? I read that you can buy wristbands from chemist which puts pressure on your wrists...this has been proven to help reduce nausea....assuming its the same place that accupuncturists stick needles in to help reduce ms. Might be worth a try? X
Hello. I got my bfp last week. My guesstimated due date is 30th April. Could you add me to the thread please xx

Welcome and congratulations emma. Im due 9/4 with number 3! How are you feeling at the moment?
Hi ladies hope you are all keeping well. I was wondering if I could ask for a bit of advice?

I am currently temping after being made redundant in June and am still applying for jobs(office work). I have no idea whether to not let on I am pregnant so I have a better chance or whether it is best to be honest going in to a new job? I'm finding a lot of doors closing in my face when I mention I am pregnant. X

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