Your GP doesn't deal with pregnancy matters as a rule, so don't expect to see him/her unless you are ill or need medical consult on something pregnancy related.
Most of your appointments should be with your MW.
Nothing wrong with being proactive and phoning up and asking the MW why you are having so few appointments. Maybe its their policy. But I'd not sit around and wait for them, but take the initiative instead and ask them about it and make your own appointments if need be.
Average appointments for me seem to be (with urine dipped, BP taken as standard)
8-12 weeks - Booking in appointment (bloods taken sometimes at 12 weeks also) Also had a private scan here for Nuchal and bloods and dating.
16 weeks - Follow up, bloods taken if not done at 12 weeks
20 weeks - Another follow up (plus my 20 week scan)
24 weeks - Another follow up and met my new MW and got to know her
I'm then having appointments with my MW at 28, 32, 34 and then more or less every week till I give birth.