Anything positive I can do meantime?


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
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Hi girls,

Spoke to Dr again today and confirmed my progesterone levels for day 21 and day 30 blood tests was 0.4 then 0.2. This is not good I feel!! I was still getting positive opk's this cycle too! Not much to do until infertility clinic apt in June but at least I will save a fortune in opk's in next couple of months!!

I really just wondered if you had any advice on practical things I could be doing meantime or if anyone has had low results like these?

Thanks and baby dust xxx
Hi. Was the day21 done at the correct time of your cycle. Ie half way between ov and your next period?
Hi kiki, the only thing I can think of acupuncture, have you tried it? I did it for 12 weeks and it seems to have regulated my cycles. I'm sure it can help you to ovulate as well although it may not always work. I also took the herbs xxx
My cycles when I had them were 37 days so they did day 21 and 30 just to compare. Got my positive opk's on day 18 and day 26 - negative inbetween. Currently on cd47! I had acupuncture for migraine and really didn't like it!! But I'll give anything a go. Could try herbs, never thought of that x
Kaykay, what herbs did u take? Was it Angus castus? How did u get on with it? X
Ah I see. Day 30 would have been the correct day. Sorry. Progesterone needsa to be above 30 to be indicative of an ovulatory cycle. Angus cactus can help regulate cycles but I think though with progesterone at those levels you will be started on clomid to ovulate and regulate your cycles. When is your next doc appt?
Kaykay, what herbs did u take? Was it Angus castus? How did u get on with it? X

They were called tiaojing cuyun wan, I took 2 packets a day (morning and night) and each packet had about 30 tiny little tablets in it. I did try the tea but it was rank so I switched to the pills. The chinese practitioners would prefer you took the teas but it was so vile I just couldn't. The pills were better for me. They cost £8 for a box of 10 and you take it from cd 5 until AF then stop taking it during AF.
It's the end of June for infertility clinic. Docs have said there's no point doing anymore blood tests just now. Was just doing a bit of reading on herbs and seems they can take a few months to work - if they do - so thinking I should maybe just wait for the clinic? I just feel better when I'm doing something!
If you only have a 8ish week wait I wouldn't bother with the herbs. Herbs and other natural remedy type stuff can take a few months to take effect. If u get put on climid or something stronger u won't be able to take any thing like this and u want to make sure your body is clear of anything that could interact or inhibit any prescribed meds.
Good advice itsbabytime! Thanks ever so much girls. Appreciated x
Just wanted to wish you luck for your appointment in June, it will be nice for you to have a plan of action going forward X
Kaykay, what herbs did u take? Was it Angus castus? How did u get on with it? X

They were called tiaojing cuyun wan, I took 2 packets a day (morning and night) and each packet had about 30 tiny little tablets in it. I did try the tea but it was rank so I switched to the pills. The chinese practitioners would prefer you took the teas but it was so vile I just couldn't. The pills were better for me. They cost £8 for a box of 10 and you take it from cd 5 until AF then stop taking it during AF.

Ooh Kay Kay just realised were on the same chinese tablets. Ive just been put on these!! Was on other ones up till now!!

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