Jeez Lara,
The Bupa guy sounds like an a-hole
Do you mind me asking who advised you to take Asprin and high dose of FA?
I have been advised until they have my results not to self medicate (for example I can carry on taking my normal dose of FA but should not up it at all)
I also asked about baby Asprin and the Dr said that if I have blood issues Asprin alone will not work??
I assume you've had your blood test results etc?
Dont mind you asking anything, not at all. I can only tell you what my specialist says. Its very clear from my research that different docs have different advice, so I guess you have to trust your specialist, and thats all I can do really.
But to answer your q's. the folic acid seemed to be a no brainer. My fertility gynae mentioned that she was prescribing me 5mg and I said why? She said that research has shown that this higher dose has proven to reduce the chance of miscarriage when taken preconceptually. She also mentioend that although we only need a lesser amount, that some women just dont absorb it properly hence they like to top it right up. I asked if there were any cons to doing that, she said no.
On to the aspirin. She then said I was to also go on to aspirin as soon as I conceive. This is to prevent clotting. Also, slightly surpresses immune response to the pregnancy. I immediately said "but my clotting result was negative". She said it didnt matter, that it still reduced miscarriage rate and improved my chances of successful implantation. I will add at this point, it was NOT prescribed for me to take all the time. It was meant just for as soon as I got a positive preg test. However, when I knew for sure I had ovulated I rang her and said can I take the baby aspirin now and she said "well it won't hurt so yes".
If I am not pg then I will stop taking aspirin as I have not been advised to do this constantly. You must be careful if you have any known history of problems clotting. There is a small risk of internal bleeding, but my gynae did not seem concerned about this at all in my situation. She said, that some studies have shown that in fact everyone could benefit from a daily 75mg of aspirin, for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. I plan to ask her once again at my next appointment about the aspirin though as I would be quite keen to know if there is any type of testing i can have which would show if aspirin could be a bad idea for me.
As for blood tests, I was negative for the clotting, but still prescribed aspirin. I didnt have any bloods that were relevent to folic acid. I am due a heap load more blood tests next week if i am not pg. And my original bloods were the standard Day 2 and day 21 bloods.
Does that help at all. I would be keen to know what info you were told, why were you advised not to have the high dose folic acid. There didnt seem to be any down side to that at all so I was told, based on the fact that exess folic acid passes through us in our urine
Also - could you tell me exactly what blood work they have done are doing for you so far? Wouldbe good to have the comparison? x x x