Anyone taken baby aspirin..


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Anyone taken baby aspirin without being prescribed it?

I've had two losses at exactly the same time and obviously doctors won't look into anything til I've had three. I've read a few other sites where women have said they've just taken baby aspirin without being prescribed it as it works in some women because of the clotting problems some have. I wouldn't normally consider taking anything not prescribed but there is a part of me saying do it if you get a BFP again. But my much more sensible side is saying don't be ridiculous, you'll then never know if it would have been fine without it.

I'm taking ttc vitamins (that have folic acid in them) and 50mg of B6.
Me! I had 2 losses then a chemical preg so my gp didnt count it as a 3rd loss. I wasnt prepared to wait for the 4th to get help so i started aspurin. I take 80mg per day along with prenatal vits, extra folic acid and vit d something that can also effect your fertility if deficient. It may be coincidence but I am now 26 weeks preg after a 7w, 10w and chem preg los

I have 2 children already without problem but am now 35 so guess my age is now effecting things
Thank you and sorry for your losses. I'm 30 and am ttc my first so just getting so frustrated. Mine were both losses at 5 weeks and I'm obviously worried about having to go through it a third time before anyone tests me. I might think about just taking it although my OH would be very disapproving as I think he'd rather I found out if I needed it first. Might get some vitamin d though.
Anyone else done this?
Me I've had 3 losses and doc then advised but didn't prescribe so I started taking it but it didn't agree with my period so I stopped but as soon as I got my Bfp I started to take it and use progesterone cream and I'm now 19+2 could be coincidence I dint know il never know but it might not be xx
I'm planning to take it when I start the cycle that I start TTCing in again. My fertility specialist said that even if I couldn't afford the blood clotting tests with him, he'd do a frozen embryo transfer with aspirin anyway because it might help but won't harm to take it when I don't need it. So I take that as it's safe for me to take regardless.

You say that if you take it and the pregnancy works, you'll never know if you could have done it without it but does that matter? You'll have your baby and you won't care whether it's with aspirin.

I'm also on ttc vitamins, and omega 3. My doctor looked at my list of supplements when I first went to his clinic and pooh-poohed them all except the omega 3. I also take extra folic acid tablets as I read that sometimes they give you extra folic acid for recurrent miscarriages. So I think I end up having about 1600mg of folic acid a day instead of 400. I researched it and your body just pees out what it doesn't need and they're cheap enough so I don't mind overdosing on that. Some vitamins are bad to overdose on though.
i had my son with no probs, but was 36 when i startecd ttc baby no.2. i had two lossess. 3rd time round i took baby aspirin and hey my baby is now 5 mths old. i really believe aspirin made all the differenve xx
Thanks everyone! I think I will try it - did you take it for your whole pregnancy or only first trimester? What time of day did you take it/does it matter?
I've got to take baby apsirin when pregnant and further on, clexane. The consultant told me it can cause a little bleeding in early pregnancy so it's personal choice really xxx
Of ur over 35 they advise to take it all the way to 36-37 weeks pregnant as it helps the placenta function better in older woman or that's what consultant told me x
My doc advised me to start taking it with my second pregnancy due to earlier miscarriage. Unfortunately I miscarried again but I'm now taking it every day whilst ttc and will keep taking it unless doc says otherwise. Xxx
I took it every morning with the rest of my pregnancy vits.

oh i didnt know it caused bleeding, maybe that explains why I had a bleed at 7-8 weeks, it was like a light period and I was sure i was losing the baby, but evrything was fine.

I was told to take it up to 32 wks and I was 39 the last 7 mths of my pregnancy xx
Yeah the consultant just said it could but any bleeding would be harmless. Xx
Thanks for the heads up on that Simone, good to know that can be a side effect if I'm ever lucky enough to get that far again.
Hey, I took baby aspirin with my 3rd pregnancy after 2 losses around 9 weeks. The result of my 3rd pregnancy is now asleep upstairs :) I was referred after my 2 nd loss but was pregnant before the appointment came round so took it off my own back xx
Yes I take it against doctor's recommendations in fact because I'm not supposed to take it due to my asthma. But after 3 consecutive losses I took it last pregnancy and that was successful obviously. I started taking it in my 2ww this time and although I've struggled with bad nausea I've taken it up to a few days ago. I do intend taking it up to 12 weeks but struggling to swallow just now.

I'd just say read all the contraindications of aspirin and make an educated decision xx
Yes!!! After 2 healthy pregnancies I had 4 losses. I had all the tests done which came back as normal, however, my blood clotting levels were only just within the normal range. My Dr felt that baby aspirin was unnecessary but told me that at that dosage would do no harm if I wanted to give it a go. I am now 24 weeks pregnant with twins :). Yes it could be coincidence but if it's harmless it's worth a go. Good luck!!! Xxx
I'm the same Hun I had two early mc and a chem I took vit d and a baby aspirin. I stopped taking them at 14 weeks when doc found out and now I just take my preg vits but I'm now nearly 24 weeks pg doc said it has nothing to do with this preg being healthy and mc were just one of them things you no the normal! But who knows? Good luck Hun sending you sticky baby dust :) xxxxx
Thanks for all the replies, I started taking it this week just in case we concieve this month, although that would probably be a miracle seeing as OH isn't interested in BD this week!
I thought simply like you, I desired to bug somebody till I discovered out a concrete response on therapy. If I were you, I would do simply that- get a recommendation to a Maternal Fetal Medication expert, and likewise get included with an online group of females in your position. Great Luck and get a copy of your laboratories, the females in the online groups will desire to put over them.
Last edited:
I thought simply like you, I desired to bug somebody till I discovered out a concrete response on therapy. If I were you, I would do simply that- get a recommendation to a Maternal Fetal Medication expert, and likewise get included with an online group of females in your position. Great Luck and get a copy of your laboratories, the females in the online groups will desire to put over them.

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