Anyone taken baby aspirin..

me! I have a blood clotting condition called factor V Leiden and I'm currently 10w 4d with 2 previous MC. I've been admitted to hospital and when I told the doctors I was taking aspirin they thought it was a good idea.

good luck xx
Are you taking anything else for it? I know with some clotting isues they prescribe clexane or heparin. My private consultant told me that aspirin alone wasn't good enough for clotting issues that it only worked in conjunction with one of the others. But I'm sceptical on that, feels a bit like a money making issue there.
Are you taking anything else for it? I know with some clotting isues they prescribe clexane or heparin. My private consultant told me that aspirin alone wasn't good enough for clotting issues that it only worked in conjunction with one of the others. But I'm sceptical on that, feels a bit like a money making issue there.

As of yet no but my midwife did mention she thought my consultant at my chosen hospital would put me on heparin injections - but I changed my chosen hospital as I was admitted to another with hypermesis so I thought for continuity of care I would stick with that hospital - nothing has been mentioned since but will have to see, probably ring my midwife and ask her about it x
Perhaps they don't feel you need them now, being so far along. Good to see that aspirin is working for you anyway!
I've just had my 2nd mc and I'm willing to give anything ago. I've tried twice just using preg vitamins so I'm going all out next time. I'm taking anything and everything next time. Going to research everything what I may need,get it brought and after I'm over this mc as I'm taking it all. In my eyes what harm can it do? I've already did it twice by the book so I'm willing to try anything xx
I've had 1 MC (8wks) & 3 chemical. I have a thin uterine lining issue. The 3rd chemical was through IVF and the doctor suggested baby aspirin which I now take daily, along with red raspberry leaf and folic acid x
I have had 2 miscarriages too and I was considering taking asprin- I will speak to my Gp first as I have also read it doesn't cause any problems so it's worth a shot.
Good luck!! Xx
I brought some low dose aspirin yesterday. I'll be using it next week when we hopefully start trying again after I'm all over my mc x
I too took baby asprin after three miscarriages, out of sheer frustration with little help from doctors. I took the asprin and double dose of folic acid and a few weeks later I was pregnant. I'm now 30 weeks and consultant said I can come off it around 32/34 weeks. I say just do it as doctors don't ever seem to want up make a decision either way and so many women have positive stories. Thinking of you and your losses xx
We'll I think I'm going to give this a go! I need to ask, is it worth taking it before I get my BFP? Im due to ov in the next couple of days!

Any advice is helpful! Good luck ladies! :) xx
I took it before my BFP - one baby aspirin and two folic acid. My doctor and specialist said neither can do any harm so would say its worth a shot. Good luck x
Well then I had better get to the chemist! This is why I love this forum, you can ask any question and you'll get a lot of advice! (Even though my questions can seem silly sometimes!)

Let's hope I get my sticky bean third time lucky! :) x
I've read somewere to stop taking it when you have your period? Then restart after you finished bleeding. Is this true or can you take it everyday non stop?

Thanks x
I read that, because it thins your blood it can affect your period.
I've read somewere to stop taking it when you have your period? Then restart after you finished bleeding. Is this true or can you take it everyday non stop?

Thanks x

My advice from my doctors is that it's fine to take it continually but u could always check with your own xx

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