oh lilmiss it so horrible when this happens. sounds just like what is happening to me.
21/10 got a positive BFP at 4+1
25/10 did a digital and got not pregnant - cue panic
26/10 HCG 29 (they suspected I would mc)
28/10 HCG 22 (5+1)
30/10 HCG 18 - started a 3 day bleed which I took as mc especially as it was clotty and stringy
6/11 HCG 243! (6+3) at this stage they suspected ectopic
7/11 scan but nothing seen
8/11 HCG 393 (wondered if it was a new pregnancy but dates didn't make it possible)
10/11 HCG 591 called back for a scan and a small 2mm something was seen in uterus but not sure what it was (7wk)
12/11 HCG 851 another scan and 2mm thing not seen, they suspect it was a blood clot.
diagnosed as pregnancy in unknown location and I was sure that it wasn't a new pregnancy, especially as levels too low for stage it should have been
13/11 HCG 951 methomextrane administered
16/11 HCG 997
19/11 HCG 649 means its working