anyone had ectopic and know what their bloods were

I really hope that it is resolving it self and you can avoid the injection. fingers crossed the levels are dropping at the next test.
Yeah i think it's a lot more stressful. I hope your body helps you out and either things improve lots or you can miscarry naturally :( it's a horrible situation, wouldn't wish it on anyone xxx
Yeah had bloods took yesterday and it's now 353 so still climbing slowly. Got to go to the epu Sunday for more bloods. Don't know when they will scan me again. Levels are still so low they won't see anything xxx
Bless ya hun. Might just be a bad start, Oliver was a tough pregnancy to begin with wasn't he? Xxx
Yeah he was a late starter. At 7 weeks I had an empty sac no yolk or anything then 8 days later he was there with a beating heart.
I wish it was the same this time but it's not as the progesterone is to low to support a pregnancy xxx
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Oh yea getting mixed up. Sorry! I've got my fingers crossed for you and hoping for a miracle xx
Ah, got everything crossed for you sweety xx

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