Anyone getting clumsy?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Omg, i don't know what's wrong with me! I fell down the stairs 2 weeks ago hurting my coccyx and now putting washing out this morning i fell up the steps resulting in scraping my arm, shin and banging my boob on the corner of the wall..the pain! (I'm fine by the way lol)

Apart from all the other tripping over things and bumping into things, the flipping dog dived into my hip last night scratching it! (could've killed her!)

For someone who is never clumsy, i feel like a old woman! :roll: :lol:
I'm not the most delicate of people but have to admit that it's definatly getting worse! I can be stood completely still and still manage to topple a little! x I had to abandon my heels even before I was pg and I dread to think what I'd be like if I hadn't! Lol x
I keep forgetting how big my bump is and so far I have walked into the corner of a wheelie bin, the arm of a chair. And I am getting forgetful too. I keep forgetting my house keys when I go out. Last week I had to climb ontop of a bin, scale a 7 foot gate and climb down the other side and get in the back door!
I wouldn't say i'm getting clumsy as I've always been a bit accidental, however I am getting dopey!

Someone can be talking to me and i loose where i am and what im saying :S
I've always been clumsy, but I do now have trouble remembering just quite how big I am and often find myself not being able to fit between cars in the car park....also I've never done it before but since being pregnant I've gone shopping and left my purse at home 3 times!
i got clumsy weeks ago lol and iv noticed my OH keeps tripping over things that are obviously there like the sofa and the table, i think hes takin some of my pregnancy things as he had the sweet cravings when i had none! lol x
Oh yes, the forgetfulness! I could be talking to someone and something will turn my attention and then I can't remember what I was talking about to that person or can't remember what I was going to say next!
I'm glad it's not just me! I am really dopey too at the mo.. I did my online shop and thought I had ordered 1 bag of grapes.. turns out I ordered 1KG!! (that's 4 bags!) :shock:
Haha!! Oops!

My friend is 9 weeks pregnant and bless her she's already getting muddled up with her words. She was telling me where someone lives while we were in the car and pointing to the right hand side street saying 'it's not this left but that left' she was evening pointing to the right too lmao
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