Alban William Piers Walker 25th July


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Jun 28, 2007
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Sorry it has taken so long to post my birth story!

On the Saturday before Alban was born I hadn’t felt much movement so went to the hospital to be monitored. They said he was fine but I was in the very early stages of labour (he was by this time a week late). The midwife there tried to do a sweep but couldn’t, however, she booked me in for an induction for the following Saturday at 42 weeks.

On the Tuesday I went to see my usually midwife who said she could clearly see I was in labour and said she wouldn’t do a sweep unless I wanted her too, I said yes to try and ensure things kicked off.

On the Wednesday I fell down the last two steps of the Stairs! So off to the hospital we went again and they monitored LO and scanned the placenta, but by now I could feel the contractions so they said they would admit me even if they still had to induce me on the Saturday as planned.

By Thursday morning, fortunately, I went into natural labour although the contractions were only 7 minutes apart and they did another sweep. They said at 4pm they would take me to the Delivery Suite, however, 4pm, came and went and when they examined me I wasn’t dilated enough so they said it would be the next day.

I spent the whole night up walking as when I laid down my contractions went from every 4 mins to every 7 mins, but I managed to get them to every 3 mins and buzzed the midwife. They tried giving me Metpid and despite giving me anti-sickness injection I spent six hours being sick!

At about 4.30am they finally took me to the delivery suite! Where they asked me what pain relief I would like? I said please could they get an epidural in as I have curvature of the spine and we were advised to get that sorted asap rather then later. The first 2 attempts failed. (The first insertion bent to the right so the contractions still hurt on my left side). The third attempt worked and was great and I no longer needed to rely on gas and air. There was an almighty pop and my waters broke, gosh there was loads!

The specialist team that I was under came and examined me and said you are still only 6cm (it was about 12.30pm by now) and LO heartbeat was causing them concern. They tried to stick things to his head I was too zonked by now to know what was going on, then another Dr came in and had a feel and said there is no way with your tilted pelvis you can give birth and your baby may be in distress we need to discuss options with you. I said what a c.section she said yes I said ’go for it!’ I knew from day 1 I wouldn’t be able to give birth normally but they wouldn’t listen, and made me go through 2 days of labour!

But wow when I said yes to the c.section I was in theatre with in 30 mins and as I had a successfully epidural I could be awake and DH was able to be with me.

We have never seen se many people appear from behind doors, and our friend the Delivery Suite Manager asked if she could be present, which of course we said yes, as she had done so much for us including getting us the Family room for free, and she was also able to photograph us together as a family when Alban was born at a whooping 8lb 1 and ¾ ozs!

We are all well and doing fine :cheer: :cheer:
Aww, wow. What a couple of days! Congratulations and well done!!!
Oh so glad everything went well in the end........and than Alban entered the world safely!

Look forward to seeing some photos soon.
Huge congratulations, Shame they made you go throught those 2 days!!!
Many congratulations & welcome little Alban :cheer:
Hi Moofa,

Congratulations, sorry to hear about the lengthy labour (have been there too) but really glad your little boy arrived safely. Take care.
Congratulations :cheer: Glad your little man arrived safely :D
Congratulations! so glad to read your story. hope you and your family are doing well. xxx :hug:
Why they never listen to women, I shall never know!

Well done Moofa!! :clap: Congratulations :dance:

Pics please!!!!

I had a lengthy labour before having an emergancy section too

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