Anyone feel 1st movements late on?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
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Well I'm just a worrier i suppose, but theres been so many of you on here saying you've felt movements quite early on and i can't wait for that!

I'm 19 weeks and haven't felt anything at all, I've tried really concentrating when i'm lying on the couch or in the bath but still nothing, no bubbles or flutters for me......

I also haven't got anything resembling a bump, just a bit of padding below my belly button that wasn't there before. This will be my first child though so plently time for bump i think.

I had a private scan at 16 weeks and baby was fine then, measurements good and wriggling about loads, but was anyone else this late with movements? I've got anomaly scan on Wed so will hopefully get some reassurance that little one is ok :)
do you know where your placenta is hun? It would probably say on notes from your scan. If its anterior ( at the front) then you're likely to feel less movement and feel it later on. Dont worry though hun, alot of people dont feel anything until about 22 weeks :D

Ditto what Tilly said. Mine is at the back and so I felt flutters from about 15/16 weeks and lots of movement from about 21 weeks onwards.

I don't feel anything at the back, though I am sure I get booted there as I get booted and elbowed everywhere else :roll:
Dont worry hon :hug:
You'll feel your little one soon
not everyone feels their baby early
as you have seen in your scan bubba is a live and wiggiling
any day now you'll feel those movements

Enjoy your scan on Wednesday :D
Post pics if you can we love going all mushy at baby pics
Let us know how it goes

LOL Sarah
I didn't feel anything till about 22 weeks with my first, 17 weeks with 2nd and 15 and a bit weeks with this one. I notice its more active after you've had something to eat/drink and moreso in the evenings :)

I know how you feel, I didn't start feeling 'bubbles' until after my scan at 21 weeks and i was worrying too, they're getting more frequent and stronger now so it shouldn't be long chick :hug:

I was 19 weeks before I felt anything :hug: It'll happen, don't worry :hug:
hi hun,

i've just started feeling definate movements in the past week. before i could feel little bubbles at night time when i was lying on my left side. now i feel them lots at any time of day/night :)

my placenta is at the front as someone mentioned hun, so that's probs why i didn't feel very much for a while.
Think I was around the 20/21 week mark before I felt definite movements so don't worry too much you will feel baby soon.
Everyone feels movements at different times so try not to worry

As for the bump - I've only just got one
ive only just started to get a bump and didnt feel any movements til around 21 wks so dont worry hun xx
wow thanks for all the replies i'm relieved now - i thought it was just me. My placenta was anterior at 16 week scan - think that means at the front?! (goes to check in book..) yes its at the front so guess things might be a wee while yet as well as it being my first.

Wow BeckyJ not having a bump til 23 weeks! And Bee- 27 weeks! Thats impressive :D
Thank god!!
I havent felt my little boy properly yet.....
Was getting a big worried... :?
DD1 I first felt around 23 weeks and had an anterior placenta
DD2 I first felt around 20 weeks and had an anterior placenta
This baby I first felt recently at 19 wks and I have an anterior placenta again :D

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