Anyone else ..


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2013
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So for the last 2 days I've had constant lower stomach ache like a dull period cramp with no bh , it makes my back ache and the top of my legs ache I've also got a weird feeling in my bum but not a sharp pain again just a dull aching bit like a pull :s my mums telling me to ring midwife (as mums do) but I don't like the idea of wasting someone's time it could just be here moving down ? Anyone else had this
Is it just an ache or waves of pain like contractions? I got the waves of pain in my back and tops of my legs with my first and he was a back to back labour. It probably is just baby moving down and your body preparing for the big day, but if you are unsure it's always best to call your midwife hun. Let us know how it goes xx
Might be best to call MW or hosp just to see if they can say what could e causing it..

I found when i had it few day after i saw MW ad she confirmed he has dropped and was further engaged.
So it could be baby moving down slowly putting pressure on everything...including bum! Xx
I was like that a couple of weeks ago, then it all came to a head over the weekend and Monday I had an awful day of sickness and all sorts. Woke up much better Tuesday but had developed a serious waddle and couldn't bend properly at all, even sitting was difficult. I've had boob, bump & backache all week and I've had horrid BH on and off all week. The period type cramps and aches are bloomin' nasty too, especially if like me while you were on the pill before falling pregnant, you didn't have period pains and such! It doesn't help when your legs don't want to work cos it's moving down too.
Just do the usual ache easing routines and you might feel better. Hot baths, hot water bottles and lots of rest with your feet up!
Yeh I was on the pill so not used to these aches lol oh's got me staying in bed I'm going to have a bath .. I live in the bath I'm starting to feel like a fish lol ill see how I go the aches constant and not getting worse if it gets worse ill ring .. Thanks for your answers sometimes you just need a moan and men just don't understand as well , I duno what I'd do without this forum these days x

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