Anyone else have a cold before their BFP?


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Jul 9, 2011
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Ive had a bad cold since 13th September (11dpo I think) its clearing up now but still got a bunged up nose, sinuses burn, sneezing, also yesterday I could barely breath. I had twinges below my belly button about 3 times yesterday, nothing to bad but deffenitly noticed it (13dpo) too late for implantation?
I should be due today or tommorow, if I ovulated when I think I did (2nd September) which was early for me but AF always show 14-15 days after ovulation so expecting her today or tommorow. I feel AF is on her way but not like any minute just the odd ache. Boyfriend gave me a hug first thing this morning and said I felt hot, I didn't feel it tho.
Dont really want to test yet as I dont want to see a BFN. Our 2nd month of NTNP.
Anyone get a cold with a BFP?
Thanks for reading :) BabyDust to everyone!!
xxxxx :flower:

Got my :bfp: 22 September 2011
3+ on a ClearBlue Digital
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i did hun! had a really sore throat, was phelmy had a bunged up nose and generally that 'cold/flu' feeling. its very common early pregnancy sign,

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I remember a girl called Lewa did when she got her BFP, FX for you!

I did! It's def one of the signs. Good luck! Xx

I got a cold the day after my bfp!! Fx'd!!
My dh is just after asking me if I'm feeling fluey, I've had the heater on for the last 3 days and wrapping up in layers in the house! I think he thinks I'm pg after I put on a sports bra this morning cos of my sore boobies. He's probably not saying so cos he knows I'll get too excited!!
Yes! A bunged up nose is def a symptom think its cos of increased blood flow or something like that! Fx for you x
Wow I am 9 days po and bunged up, watery eyed and sneezing like mad. Weird or what!!
OMG I had a massive cold before I got mine!!! I was dosed up to the heavens on cold and flu tablets! Got my BFP a few days after cold arrived xx
I did hun I had all the symptoms of the cold/flu beforehand, good luck FX xx
Wow thankyou for all your replies! Congrats on your BFP's.

Still no sign of AF! Cold has gone! Just a slight blocked up nose.

AF has not shown up if I counted my days right I should of come on my period on Saturday 17th. So im 3 days late, but I keep telling myself I probally got my days wrong so said give it till the 20th (Today) and still no show (Y) Im not going to test untill Saturday morning if there is still no show.
Ive had no other symptoms apart from odd twinges and cramping, burning sensation down below, bit sicky this morning but think cause I got up early.
The other strange thing ive had is really bad cramping where my bladder is, lasting a few seconds which sent shooting pains down below (TMI)
Trying not to get my hopes up :) Thanks again for your replies! xx
Superstar, I've been waking up with the sniffles and bugged up head.. FX for us!! :D xxxxxx
Well I'm not too sure, I think from previous months working out I'm due today ishh... so gonna test a couple times these next few days :D xxxxx
Sounds promising :)
I should of come on today, but counting back the days and the day I ovulated and all that lol I should of come on on Saturday. But I said give it today but still nothing. Keep me updated with the test.
FX for you :D :D xx
Oooo yay :) I am pretty sure I had implantation bleeding last week so fx xxxxx
Sounds very promising atm :D You testing before Saturday? xx
I think as im a poas ADDICT! I'll do one tomorrow friday and sunday :p xxxxx

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