Full of cold :0(


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
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I started with a cold yesterday & managed to do a full 10 hour shift at work yesterday with just Vicks to help me breathe. Today I have phoned in sick as I feel much worse - blocked nose, sinuses hurt & headache. My throat is sore & I'm hot/cold & achey. I have taken some paracetomol (reluctantly) but am looking for anyone elses suggestions for safe cold remedies please.
Not sure if it's due to my cold, but my tummy feels odd aswell - a bit crampy.

I'm ill & a bit stressed aswell & can't just rest as have school run to do & my son needs taking to his swimming lesson tonight. Will try & rest until 3pm - but just feel lousy.

Thanks - Sunnyb x
Hope your feeling better soon hun, make sure you get some rest until you have to go out x x

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Poor thing. I was full of cold a couple of weeks ago and had to survive on just paracetamol and one of those stick things that you stick up your nose!!! Lemon and ginger tea also helped me a bit. And lots and lots of sleep. Hope you feel better soon.x
Lemon & Ginger tea sounds good - might stop me feeling so sick too!
Ah...lemon and ginger tea is my lifesaver for my sickness!!! As soon as I get into work I have a cup of it and feel soooo much better! It was awful before, I was being sick at work and had to pretend I had constant food poisoning!!!xx:sick:
Warm hunny and lemon drink does wonders for pregnant woman with colds lol. Im just starting with one but we have to plod along dont we? I didn't think i would catch it as little un has had it a few days and then hubby decided he had to have it and now silly man has given it me lol xx
When I get a cold I eat a really hot curry with loads of garlic (a really runny sauce with a loaf of garlic bread to mop it up). Sorts me right out.

Hope you feel better soon x
I had my tea last night & my nose ran for England! I've got mouth ulcers too, so eating isn't much fun (that's when I feel up to it). Went to the chemists this morning & I'm not even allowed bloomin Bonjela!!!
Oh well, day 3 of my cold & a lovely 9 & a half hour shift to contend with tomorrow until 10pm. Can't wait to get rid of this cold & also to be able to tell people why I can't take the cold remedies & ibuprofen they're offering me.

Sunnyb xxx

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