Anyone else feeling really really.......


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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I swear theres hal a dozen little Kilvingtons in here the size my abdo is atm! lol
But there is a small chance I am further on than I think as AF in june was very short light and brown sludge so MW said could have been IB but that scan will tell at 12 weeks so who knows!!!

Anyhoo....does anyone have mega swollen stomache at 6 weeks?

Dont get me wrong Im not usually flat by any stretch of the imagination but jeeezz....I feel like I look like Im pregnant if that makes any sense??

Prob lots of wind in their too as I was flat out at 7pm last night snuggled up to David and he said I let out a ripper!! Haaa (sorry) but just wondering who else has this or had this as its been so long I really cant remember being this bloated with DD.....

i hear what u mean hun. im constantly bloated. from six weeks on it dont get any easier.
bloated n constipation by 8 weeks.
eat loads of fruit. i found eating grapes and cherries helped with that.
its not a nice feeling. u eat and u feel ill and over full.
Wilma, that's exactly what I was like and still do to be honest, it sometimes feels like it's going to explode :shock: You never know maybe you have 2 in there :lol:
I was really bloated hunni - seems to be have calmed down now though -i think a lot of people do bloat alot and then it settles down x
I was extremely bloated around that time and had lovely wind as well, lol.
I'm extremely bloated too and have to wear maternity trousers to work as I can't stand anything tight around my middle as it's just too uncomfortable. It's embarrassing as people think I'm much further than 7 weeks
Ha SK you will kinx me!!! lol But you never know ehh! lol

Yeah ladies its crazy how one minute were fine and the next looking anf feeling very pregnant! I started off today with a pair of trousers on that are now too big for me due to loosing weight, by the time I got home tonight I had already had to loosen the button and zip in car on way home and now the waist band doesnt meet! I only had chicken salad for lunch too lol ha!!

Lovely knowing its all going according to plan tho but Yes....the wind is here to stay! lol xxx
I'm the same way!!! It's a miserable feeling cuz you can't wear a lot of your old clothing. I actually had somebody say that I was going to have a baby very soon!!! I'm only 7 weeks and look like i'm 6 months
Wilma, you make me laugh - David survived the ripper then!

Yeah I was boated like this from 6 weeks to about 12, and even now, when I drink fizzy or after tea I go from you people wouldn't nottice my belly to ,OMG when is it due!

Hang in here , or stick it out and go wayyy look at me!

It would be great if you were 4 weeks further on that you thought, yahooo
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Ha JJ glad I can bring a chuckle to you ;-) lol!

Ah yeah 4 weeks further along would be great JJ I just really cant remember feeling this pregnant with kate this early on and so bloated!! Davids praying theres two in there...hes greedy! lol

But yeah Im happy about it knowing all is ticking along nicely and baby is doing what is should do so big ;-)'s all round xxx

Yeah spencer I though great can wear some stuff that had been a bit sprayed on the last few months...but as the day goes on it gets more and more tight then I have to open the bottons or run for my pjs! Loving it tho! xxx
yep my life story. felt bloated from 6 weeks. feel like a beach ball.
It comes and goes with me but literally once Ive eaten something I bloat like an inflated balloon!

Great fun lol xx

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