Anyone else getting afternoon sickness???

Snuggle said:
I've already had a baby and still forgot about some of the things you're supposed to avoid (hubby kindly reminded me I was allowed to eat nuts) :hug:

Oh please tell me it's not all nuts to be avoided again? :shock:

It was a total nut ban when I was pregnant with my daughter... I thought it was just peanuts now... :think:
babyblonde said:
Hubby might be getting it elsewhere if he has to wait til 3rd tri! :lol:

I didn't mean you can't have sex til tri 3 :rotfl:

Just when you are due, a nice reprise of babydancing can get things on their way... sort of getting them out the same way as they went in... well it worked with my daughter anyway... looking forward to horrifying her with that fact when she is grown up and having kids of her own :lol:
Found the two articles below re pineapple as you've all got me intrigued!

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which is thought to help to soften the cervix and so bring on labour.

Is it safe?
There is very little available research. Each pineapple contains only very small amounts of bromelain so you would need to eat as many as seven to have any effect. The most likely side-effect of eating large amounts of pineapple would be a severe case of the runs.

Does it work?
There is some debate about the role played by bromelain on prostaglandins, which soften the cervix to prepare it for labour. Some studies actually suggest that bromelain inhibits prostaglandin activity while others think the opposite. Regardless of this, eating large quantities of pineapple is likely to stimulate the gut and bowel and, as with castor oil, could kick-start the uterus into action by that means.

How do I try it?
The pineapple must be fresh: bromelain is destroyed by the process of canning or juicing.

Why do people suggest Pineapple Juice?
Pineapple contains selenium...and selenium (an anti-oxident) helps promote a healthy womb lining which is why it is thought to aid implantation. Pineapple also contains an enzyme called bromelain which is contraindicated during pregnancy as it may cause uterine contractions (many people, especially in Asian cultures, suggest eating fresh pineapple to induce labour if overdue)....however, during processing this delicate enzyme is destroyed which is why its ok to drink pineapple juice in moderation when ttc or pg but not to eat fresh pineapple/pineapple pieces etc .

The preferred juice to drink is fresh, pressed or "not from concentrate"....although not the best, its still ok to drink "from concentrate"...all this means is that the pineapple pulp has been frozen or freeze dried for exportation and then reconstituted with water.

A small glass of pineapple juice a day is supposed to be good but there are also many other food sources richer in selenium than pineapple (brazil nuts included!)

This link provides some info on selenium & a list of food souces:
M&Ms said:
babyblonde said:
Hubby might be getting it elsewhere if he has to wait til 3rd tri! :lol:

I didn't mean you can't have sex til tri 3 :rotfl:

Just when you are due, a nice reprise of babydancing can get things on their way... sort of getting them out the same way as they went in... well it worked with my daughter anyway... looking forward to horrifying her with that fact when she is grown up and having kids of her own :lol:

PMSL - I knew that. He's a bit nervous about the whole thing at the moment, but we're going to chat to the doctor about it which I'm sure will put his mind at rest (and mine). He's really suffering since I got pregnant AND injured my arm :lol:
babyblonde said:
A small glass of pineapple juice a day is supposed to be good but there are also many other food sources richer in selenium than pineapple (brazil nuts included!) [/color]

So you CAN eat brazilnuts???? or is that just saying that they contain selenium in general :think:

"I wish they would make their ruddy minds up", she says sitting here wanting dippy boiled eggs, peanut butter butties, camembert stuffed with brie, a fag, a bottle of vodka, some seafood, pate (OMG no pate at Xmas!!!!)....
oh i got excited already mentioning things to get labour started LOL it reminded me of my crazy days! ok now that we're in tri1 i guess we should avoid these things so it's good to mention what we already know or heared about (not necessary true)! it's just what we hear!
BTW everything i tried never worked and i ended up getting induced LOL
1- Cinnamon (in large quantities) causes uterine contractions.
2- Pinapples ( Large quantities too)
3- Hot baths (when labour starts this helps things go faster) SHOULD BE AVOIDED IF WATERS HAVE BROKEN!
4- Sex! (not sure whats in it! some say the dancing! some say the sperms! some say the Orgasm!
5- Hot Curry.or anything spicey (it just cause awful heartburn ) :rotfl:
6- oh yeah forgot about this although never tried it! I think it was rasberry tea! but u have to start it early on like in week 33 or so!
7- Reflexology!
hmmm what else! i can't remember.
Any way I know these things are more interesting and helpful when we are in tri3 and (Overdue)! but It's good to mention them early on so u keep them in mind and try and avoid them now! as whats good later is not now!
None of the above worked for me, so bumped down the stairs on my bottom (you know like you did when you where a kid!!) next morning my waters broke (a week early!!) although I must warn you, its not for the faint hearted :rotfl:
I'm loving the quad bike idea though!!

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