Anyone else really tired?

Ooohh i did have a major hissy fit and hes had the cold shoulder this morning too!
What does help is i dont drink normal tea or coffee, anyone know of any caffine free pick me ups?
Sounds like you have a very busy weekend hunny, hope your not too tired after it x x

M2A, your OH is clearly being arghhhhhh, hope you had a major hissy fit!

Am dreading this weekend, OH has a dinner to attend on Friday, it's made clear that wives are expected to go too, similar story on Saturday evening with another function we're expected to attend. Then on Sunday we're out for MIL's birthday.

Will totally mess up my routine of surfacing from my pit at 9am, then going round to about 2pm where I have my 15 minute power nap after my cuppa and pile of biscuits, then getting things done until my 7pm power nap, before going to bed at 10.30-11pm.

Plus have nothing to wear that will fit my mega bloated figure, if only my super-duper hold everything in Spanx were not off limits!

Just looking at maternity clothes and found these maternity spanx on there!!
I was the same on Sunday and Monday - total zombie, only mamanged to stay awake for 8 hours on sunday and by lunch time on monday I was almost asleep at my desk.

I found eating little and often has helpped and now that's what I need to do as I'm starting to feel sick too.

I seem to be OK with junk food and little snacks but proper healthy meals are turning my stomach. I hope it passes soon :-)

Wow those are some big old knick knicks! :shock: Fab for holding it all in though, may think about investing in a pair. M2A - I would so not be impressed by a 3am wake up call!!:mad: Emmbee - sounds like you have a mental weekend ahead bless ya - hope you manage to get some little naps in x

Feeling tired again today, was actually really jealous of the cat this morning, she got up with me, had her breakfast then went back and curled up on the bed again - so not fair. Starving too, been trying to eat more healthily since finding out I was pregnant but fruit and salads just make me more hungry than ever! So todays lunch was a tuna jacket potato yummy....but now I have heartburn grrrr! x x
I have drunk loads of water today and found thats really helped with the tiredness x
I have drunk loads of water today and found thats really helped with the tiredness x

Glad you have found something thats working hunny, I drink loads of water everyday, atleast 2L but im still dropping off, my eye is stinging im that tired! x x

I have drunk loads of water today and found thats really helped with the tiredness x

Glad you have found something thats working hunny, I drink loads of water everyday, atleast 2L but im still dropping off, my eye is stinging im that tired! x x

Oh no, not long till home time now hun.

I'm terrible for drinking so I'm probably really dehydrated most of the time. I know I should drink more but I just don't seem to get round to it. Will really try to make a conscious effort to drink more *slaps wrists*
I'm also four weeks pregnant and I used to be a complete night owl - like I would never go to sleep earlier than 11.30pm most nights but I can't stay awake past 8-9pm now. It's crazy, last night I fell asleep on the sofa, phone in my hand with a half-written text until I woke up at 3am! And like the other said, I'm hungry all the time too!!! :P xx
Welcome to tri-1 Lauren :yay: sorry to hear your feeling tired too.

Home time has come around again, woohoo :) My OH is cooking pork stew for tea, so hopefully I can find some energy there x x

I have been ready for bed at about 8 every night!! And yawning all day long xx
i always feel tired even if i have a good lie in i fin myself yawning and have to have a nap!
its normal :) and annoyin!! lol


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