Anyone else feel like they just know the sex of their baby??


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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It is so early on and I already feel like I know I am having a boy, which is so weird because I have always wanted a little girl!!

Thought I would find out if any of you feel the same?? Maybe once we all find out we can come back to this thread and see if our premonitions were true!!

i always thought i would have a boy :)
I had a feeling it would be a girl but then had a weird dream i had the baby and it was a boy and iv kinda had that feeling ever since, Also my baby boy name Liam didnt suit him hehehe dreams hey

Think I thought girl because i always said id prefer a boy, not that I wouldnt want a girl at all im happy either way but just leaned that way if you know wha I mean, does that make any sense

That and the fact that everyone seems to be having girls latly, this year alone i know 8 people who had babys and all girls
I had a feeling straight away and I was right but it is 50/50 chance after all :)
i think im havin a boy purely because i cant find a boys name i like and can stick to!
i just have a feeling its a girl.

which would be lovely cos its due on the birthday of the lady she would be named after

also, my mum saw 3 magpies in one xx
Well I swore blind I 'knew' I was having a girl BUT found out thursday it's a boy lmao :) xx
i'd like to say i think im having a girl but i have no strong feeling either way, everyone else says im having a girl and it would go with the family tradition lol, my mum was the firstborn and only girl and so am i.
I would love a boy as I'm so not girlie, love football, cars etc nothing pink and fluffy but I'm 100% convinced I'm having a girl. Various reasons but DH lost his mum young & baby is due between her birthday & anniversary of her death & we always said would name a daughter after her. Just set up to be a little girl. We are not going to find out though.
i will get really angry if they wont tell me lol, im dying to know
oh Im definatly gonna find out....waited so long to get pregnant I cant be dealing with more waiting around lol. I think after I had my 12 weeks scan that its a girl just had a little mouth a nose that looked like one
im gonna find out, but that is because im strugglin with boys names, will make me focus more if i know im havin a boy!
I have been right with my other 3 once I found out twice I never but with all 3 I had a feeling,
They say mothers instinct is nearly always right. I had a feeling boy with all 3 of my boys.
i keep referring to this as a girl, our family is due a girl seeing as the after me my mother had a boy and her two sisters have had boys and my dad went on to another relationship and had 3 boys......I just feel like this is a little girl all my familt keep saying it is too eek we will see in a few weeks. good thread by the way we should all come back and see if we were right :)
Oh im defo gonna find out too, Cant wait to know, Pity they cant tell you at your 12 week scan not a hope I could wait for the surpise im way too impatiend for all of that :)
That's what it thought as well! I always ask women I look after what they think they are having and the majority of the time maternal instinct is always right! Would be good to see how many of us get it right when we all get to finding out stage! I am def going to find out - way too impatient to wait 40 weeks! Xx
i dont know how anyone could wait and keep it a suprise?? i am far too nosey, plus how could you bear just buying unisex clothes all the time! I have a wardrobe planned out for either sex already....did you know that Next do flatcaps for boys they are supercute
yeah my friend had a little baby boy in april and she has lots of little flat caps for him! They are adorable!! I am so impatient I know I am going to be wishing the next 35 weeks away so I can meet my little beanie!! xx

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