Any older mums-to-be out there?

I'm 34 but this is my first and that apparently puts me in the older mum category too according to our fertility clinic, the joy!

Damn... I'm the same, 34 and would be due when I'm 35, so we're old?!? That's nonsense ;)

ETA it's my first too!
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Hi LottieO and Yorkslass!

Welcome to the oldies group ;)

Nice to have you with us and congratulations on your good news! X
I guess I'm an older mum too. I am 36. I had my first at 33, second at 35 and now will still be 36 when this one is due. Oddly I was more worried about my age 1st time around, prehaps because I was thinking ahead to the next one and counting how many months I had, lol.
I was 30 when i fell pregnant & had my lb after i turned 31 he is also my first baby so i would be classed as an "older mom" ha! I had an amazing pregnancy despite having next to no symptoms or hardly if at all feeling the baby move! I sailed threw both my pregnancy & labour so not bad for the older woman ;) in fact as soon as i had had Luca i wanted so badly to go threw it all again & i am such a worry wort generally & a wuss when it comes to pain, i amazed myself! It just keeps getting better now that he is here he is one gorgeous special little boy & he's mine :D
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Hi all

Well I'm back after a holiday and had expected my scan appt letter to be waiting in my letterbox but nothing.

Booking in was 2nd Oct and I'm now 12 weeks! Phoned the midwife who was lovely and got onto the hospital but their response was that as I'd opted to pay for the private Harmony test there was no need for a dating scan and therefore had ignored me. MW was supposed to have known this at booking in and told me to phone up for a 20 week scan date but she was certainly expecting me to have a 12 week dating scan!

Anyway, as the doc had trouble scanning me for Harmony we have managed to convince hospital to do dating scan on Monday, yay! And Harmony results have come back as low risk so very happy all round.
Hi all, can I join you, im pregnant with baby number 2, im 40 now, had my first baby at 39. Good news ginger19 about the harmony results and you are getting your scan �� xx
Hi everyone, it's nice to see I'm not alone! I'm 41 and just had my BFP. I'm 4+2 and hoping this will be my third. I was 32 when I had my DD1, 39 my DD2.

Wishing everyone happy and healthy pregnancies.
Hi all,
I'm 35 and have just found out that I am pregnant (4+2) with my first after 10 months of trying :)

Is it normal to think that everybody you know will look at you and know your pregnant?!
Hi all!

Ginger, so glad all went well with the Harmony scan! How was your scan today?

Welcome to the other new members!

Tomorrow, I'm off to tri 2. Geesh, this is really flying by. Can't believe I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and feeling massive already (baby number 4 though!). I will pop my head in though to see how you're getting on until you all join me over there!

pinball95, very normal! I think because you feel different and the world seems different you feel that everyone can see it :)

Big congrats to you xx
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I'm 37, will be 38 when this one is born! Had ds1 at 26 and DS2 at 28, so been a while since we've had a bubba in the house x
Hi Sarah_sun (and all!)

Scan went well and they've bumped me on a few days so I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow with the Star Wars due date May 4th :)

See you all in T2
Hi, just wanted to say hi - i had babies at 25,27,28,37,40 and just 12 weeks ago at 42 had last baby
I think the pregnancies were slightly harder being older if i'm honest but i'd be an older mother again in a hb if I had my time again - enjoy your pregnancies ladies x
Hey JJ mum, your expecting another! We've been on here pregnant at the same time before. My DS was born Jan 2015 and DD May 2013.

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