Any older mums to be out there!?

It's great to hear so other older mums out there. My reasons for having a family later are similar to Sarl's, ie divorced and now with someone I'm happy with. Sarl, I know what you mean about wasting years... I wasted many with my ex and can't help kicking myself at times.

I had hoped I would get a quick midwife appointment being older, and be able to talk to her about early testing etc. But I have now waited a week and a half and she hasn't even rung me back to arrange a visit. I am only 6 weeks though so maybe this is normal. If anyone else has any advice about this I would be really grateful. I really would like to know what tests are available to me, when you have them, and how long they take to arrange. Xx
I'm 32 and have just had my first baby - I was the oldest at all my antenatal classes but don't know if I count as an older mum or not although I do plan more kids so will officially be an older mum next time I guess!
Congratulations Inky, on your beautiful little one. How's it all going?
It's great to hear so other older mums out there. My reasons for having a family later are similar to Sarl's, ie divorced and now with someone I'm happy with. Sarl, I know what you mean about wasting years... I wasted many with my ex and can't help kicking myself at times.

I had hoped I would get a quick midwife appointment being older, and be able to talk to her about early testing etc. But I have now waited a week and a half and she hasn't even rung me back to arrange a visit. I am only 6 weeks though so maybe this is normal. If anyone else has any advice about this I would be really grateful. I really would like to know what tests are available to me, when you have them, and how long they take to arrange. Xx

Really depends on your area, as to what tests are available and what tests are not offered under NHS, ours offer a Nuchal scan, basically where at the 12 week routene scan, they check for a measurement of the thinckness of the Nuchal fold , (fluid gap in the babys neck), throw in your age and also take blood the same day and compare it against all the other hospitals data to give you a risk of a chromozone problem. It's not a science , but a risk. you can then go on to have more tests if considered high risk

Ask your midwife at 10 weeks ish when you book in for more info, she will give yo lots of bumpth, with lots of screenign tests in.
I dont feel like an older mother tbh as three of my close friends are also pregnant and I amongst my circle of friends theres a lot of us having/had babies over 35! But i do wish Id done this earlier tho and who knows I could have been onto number 5 or 6 by now! Always wanted a large family but Im more than happy with my dd and this lo when he or she arrives! xxx

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