Hi girls, this is fantastic, I had no idea there were so many labeled as older mums on here- huge congratulations to you all on your pregnancys - such an exciting time
I am 37 and this is my last baby, I have two boys aged 11 and 9, and girl aged 8, I had a missed misscaridge in March this year and now near 22 weeks pregnant with my last baby - a little boy!
Looks like we are all going for the Nuchal scans then or more testing etc, I got a 1 in 9 result with my Nuchal /combined test - based on blood markers and I think it was from my miscarridge before, as only had 4 weeks gap in pregnancys, but had the CVS test done at 14 weeks and all was ok, so pleased.
Good luck with your testing- Nancy - some hospitals will offer the Nuchal test on the nhs, but some don't offer it, and you have to go private, your midwife should be able to advise when you see her, normall towards 10 weeks pregnant ish, call the docs and ask for details