Any news on kanga??


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
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I've Not been on for few days and just wondering if anything has happened? X
Check her journal out hun. She posted in there earlier. She's still waiting bless her!!
Awww babybo, how sweet of u :) As spammy said I'm still here :(

Was told I could have another sweep yesterday then couldn't get hold of my mw. She then text at 8.30am today saying she got her days mixed up and might be able to see me today. But didn't :(

Now being told that she might be able to fit me in tomorrow for another sweep, but not holding out much hope to be honest!! xx
Awww Kanga ya hanging on in there girl! How long will they let you go over in your area, it seems to be anywhere between 10 and 14 days depending on where you are living! Mine said today they would let me go 12 days and no more as long as it didn't fall on a weekend! Fx you get your second sweep tomorrow! Xx
Only been told that a date for induction will be booked up when I am term plus 10, so Thursday I should have a date of eviction if he hasn't shown his face before hand. Which I think around here s at 12 days late, which being a Saturday I don't know if they will start it earlier xx
I'm stalking ya now! Get a move on wee man xxx
Oh hunny. Really hope she squeezes you in tomorrow. Really thought with your plug going it would of happened? X
The thing is since Saturday I have been losing so much mucus plug :sick: it must just keep regenerating and just falling back out! xx
Boo!!! Come on baby Roo!!! Must be so comfy in there xxx
Ah honey have u tried clary sage I'm convinced that's what started mine xxx
wow your goose is truly cooked, hope the little on comes soon

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