Any July 2017 Mummies?

Merry Christmas ladies! Hope you've all had fantastic days. My 4 year old and 1 year old have absolutely loved it, so magical with little ones around Anyone done any festive announcements? We've told our family and friends over the last week or so, and going to tell the world tomorrow :)

How's everyone feeling? I feel absolutely awful! Sick and exhausted. Not all the time, just on and off over the last week. I'm the complete opposite of what the books all say, you're meant to feel bad in Tri 1 then start feeling better. Not me, I've felt fantastic all of Tri 1, full of energy and not sick. But as soon as I had my scan at 13 weeks I started feeling terrible! I think it's been psychological with me, after my last pregnancy ended in MC I think I've been in denial about there being a baby in there hence why I've been feeling great. It's like as soon as it was confirmed there was actually a healthy baby I've been given 'permission ' to feel like crap �� Oh well!

Violet I'm sure I can feel baby at 13 weeks aswell. Been feeling it over the past few days. I felt at 20 weeks with my first and 16 weeks with the second, they so say it's a lot earlier with second and third babies xxx
Ahh im now in tri 2! Just started the tri 2 thread but will still hang around tri 1 as i dont think alot of us are over there yet.
Can't believe it's almost tri 2 time already!

Hope you all had a great Christmas. I am pleased to say my nausea has eased off quite a bit so I managed to actually enjoy Christmas :dance:
I have my scan in a couple of days, feeling nervous x
Not been on for a while. Had 12 wk scan on Thurs and all is well, due date pushed forward a bit to 29th June. :)
Hope you all had a fab christmas ladies!

Thought mine was going well until Xmas night when sickness kicked in again, really fed up either it now, making me have no energy again and lost about 6/7pounds (suppose that's a bonus lol)

Does tri 2 start at 13 or 14 weeks? Hoping sickness will stop/ease off then! Xx
All my apps are saying at 13 weeks you are tri 2 so im going by that. As 13+1 means you are in your 14th week of pregnancy
Ahh I'll be joining next week then! Thanks :) it's all so confusing sometimes lol xx
My sickness is alternating between not too bad and horrible at the moment. I think I'm nearly over it and then I feel awful again! Really can't wait for it to go away now.
I'm breaking out in spots everywhere. I have a huge spot the size of a grape on my thigh and my face is worse than when i was a teenager. Not to mention my hair is so greasy even after washing it. Feel so gross right now
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Oh yeah Aurora, that's been a constant for me throughout too. I'm getting big painful spots that you can't you anything with and they take so long to go away!!

First midwife appointment today.
Second attempt at the nt scan went well. 1 in 170000 risk of downs and 1 in 220000 for edwards and pataus.

Got my 20 weeks scan booked for february 14th
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Got my scan date through, Friday 13th January! Good job I'm not superstitious lol. Feels so far away! :'( should be 14+3 then, so hopefully will be a good size! then 3 days after that I have my 15 week midwives appointment.
Glad it went well aurora :) at least you got to get another look at bubba lol ♡
Had my 12 week scan today and all is well so far. Due date is still July 11th :) x
Glad all went well oneday :) xx

Congrats ashleydan and welcome! For a second i thought you meant you're pregnant with triplets lol xx
Bit of an embarrassing awkward tmi question...apologies :/

Is anyone else's belly button(deep inny) wet on the inside and smelly at times? I clean it regularly and inside and its never really smelt before, making me paranoid!
Hmm, have you ever had it before? I imagine with a deep inny belly button it would be more likely to happen? have you tried washing it out with salt water?

I keep getting mild UTI's.. nothing major just a constant need to wee but can't go! I've been drinking plenty of water but its just irritating!

I bought my first baby items today... we had decided not to buy anything yet but Tesco had lots of baby bits reduced so I bought some tigger bibs and a very cute pair of gender neutral booties, our first official baby buy lol :)

Hope everyone else is doing well xxx
Not before no :/ I've tried with shower gel and soap so far and not really down much :$ I'll try saltwater tonight, thanks :)

Will doctors be able to prescribe you anything for the utI?

I bought some bits at tesco and morrisons, tried not to but couldn't help it lol. There's a baby car boot style sale near me soon, a week after my scan and the say after payday, if everything goes well at the scan I can see me buying loads of stuff lol. First buys are always special :) xx

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