Any July 2017 Mummies?

Just had my booming In appointment. Excited for scan on Sunday!

Does anyone know if you are consultant led care when you get an appointment to see them? Is it much later in pregnancy?
Midwife for me tomorrow - yay!

My protruding disc reared its ugly head this morning tho so been struggling to move. Not taken any painkillers mind.
Oh no Kizzy hope theres something they can do to help ease the pain
You can take paracetamol when pregnant x
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Hey ladies! Been a while since I've posted, been a bit hectic with work and christmas shopping! Hope you're all ok. Had and mix of bad days and good, when Ive had good days I start panicking cos I feel completely normal lol.

Told boy friends parents on Sunday, happy but slightly worried as we've only been together 6 months and he's had problems with ex and their children, so they're worried about it all.

Organised with work time off to have with the bf (we work at the same place) together so we can start moving in together, happening mid January :) we were planning on moving in together before we found out about bubba, I just have to be careful picking stuff up!

Midwives booking appt on Tuesday, nervous is an understatement! Xxx
Hey ladies,
Emerald that's awful you are helping and it is worth it!! Don't let this upset you and also if need be go to police for
Harrasment charges because that is exactly what's happening!!
I'm 12 weeks today and honestly I think I am further on as I had my stomach move it was so odd and obviously early Isn't it? Xxx
Sadly the 30th of December!! They have no earlier dates xxx
Finally starting to feel a bit more normal! Sickness is dying down but headaches still bad. Migraines have decreased hallelujah! *touchwood*
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Just had my early scan. Measured 8+6. Was so amazing. Not sure how to upload a pic from my phone tho!
Fab news Mrsjohnson! Rubbish you have to wait so long violet. How sure are you of your dates?

My scan is tomorrow, im ridiculously nervous and terrified there's going to be no baby... I've always had early scans at 6/7 weeks with my other 2 children so this is the first time I've had no scan until 12 weeks. I've felt so well and not pregnant at all, im scared that i've just imagined the whole BFP and there's just going to be nothing there. Nervous wreck! Xx
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Got my 12 week scan today.
Started the day off by being sick whilst my son shouted good morning at me.
Have to go back for a scan on the 28th.
Baby was in an akward position and my bladder wasn't full enough so went back out to have a wiggle and 8 cups of water. Got called back in 20 mins later my bladder was full but it made my uterus tilt even further back so couldnt get a good view of baby to do the nt measurements. I did warn her that would be the case so i'm not to suprised.

Hope your scan went well Ams25
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Its my 12 week scan day !!!!! My appointment isn't till 4.30 so its going to be a long, slow day in work but so excited. Even though this is baby number 4 it never gets less special.
Ah good luck. I received mine in the post for early Jan yesterday. Coincided with my first day of actually throwing up rather than feeling nauseous. My female family were all saying congratulations, like I had graduated ha ha. Hopefully only a couple more weeks of feeling rubbish and then onwards and towards!
Hope the scan goes well Amy

Yay for the scan date M1chelle hope the throwing up was just a one off.
So how's everyone's holidays going? I'm sat in the guest bedroom of my sis in laws house crying because my husband only wants to cuddle etc when it suits and he always changes when we come home, all his family do is drink (to excess)and watch football, I'm bored all the time and I honestly want to go home. I'm beginning to hate Christmas so much I'm thinking of not bothering next year. My parents stress me out more than this but I feel I can't do anything or be myself and I'm genuinely fed up today. Also I'm showing and everyone is saying it's twins I know it's one I know that for a fact I had the early scan so now I feel like I'm fat. I needed to vent about it tbh :( xxx
I only get one day off for xmas. The joys of working in retail.

Have you spoke to your husband about how your feeling? Maybe next year just have xmas at your with you, the husband and the little ones.
Thats are plan for next year. We normally go to my parents one year and ohs the next year but for once i'm putting my foot down and have said next year we are staying home.
I'm so happy I had my scan today and all is great! I'm so shocked I really didn't expect it to be. Baby was so wriggly, I've never seen such an active baby on any scan I've had before, he/she was jumping up and down and flipping over, it was amazing! ♡ i'm convinced I'm feeling those early butterfly movements aswell now that I know all is okay. Got moved forward to 13 weeks :)

Good luck for your scan Amy!

Aurora glad your scan went well apart from the NT measurements... I had exactly the same thing today, my little monkey would not lie flat despite a walk and 3 attempts. That's good they've offered you another scan... my hospital have basically said I've missed my chance now and all they can offer is 16 week bloods which I'm reluctant to have as it's only 73% accurate so a fairly high rate of false positive. I'm debating paying privately for the Harmony test now even though we can't really afford it :-/.

Violet Aw bless you it sounds like hard work! Do you always stay with his family for xmas? How long are you staying? Put your foot down next year and say you're having xmas in your own home with your kids, baby will only be 6 months so a good excuse! You're not fat you're pregnant and they're all rude! I've not been able to do my work trousers up for weeks lol xx
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Had midwives appt this morning, made it even more real, especially with the scan a few weeks ago) even though the scan back dated me four days, she said to keep the original date of the 11th until dating scan, gonna be getting the date in the post soon, hopefully won't be weeks away! Still having days where I can't keep any food or water down, but only like that 2 days a week now, really hoping I'm one of the ones where sickness stops after first trimester!

Good they're giving you another scan aurora :)

I'd definitely put your foot down for next Xmas violet! Hope it gets better for you. I've had to have my trousers under my better llo too for the past few weeks. I have a chubby belly as it it's so kind of dreading that it's won't be showing until a lot later than normal, but a lot of the time I just think f*** it and let my belly hang out lol.

Glad your scan went well ams! Did you have something sugary beforehand? I've heard that can make bubbas more active.

Christmas in retail is awful! I work in a supermarket and dread thsee 2 weeks. Luckily my rotas worked good this year. Because I'm full time I get to choose between doing Xmas eve or new years eve, so finish on Friday for 5days but working late new years eve and all day new years day xxxx

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