Any July 2017 Mummies?

Oh having a cold sucks.. hope you feel better soon! I had one really bad at about 7 weeks and lived off honey & lemon!

I'm feeling pretty good today, I don't feel pregnant at all!! I'm guessing as I'm passing into 2nd tri everything has settled down? I have a scan Monday so I don't have long to get too worried about it thankfully!

I made an impulse buy this morning of a Tommee Tippee Perfect prep machine?.. It was £70 which is a lot of money (and not the cheapest its been!) but the reviews are fantastic, a lot of people say it's the best thing they ever bought. I'm not planning on breastfeeding so hoping this little gadget will come in handy!

Anybody else had any impulse buys?


It's great but also worrying feeling better isn't it? A lot of time I don't feel pregnant either, but then run my hands on belly and can feel bump in there ♡

Haven't made any big impulse buys like that yet, just neutral clothes and some Christmas outfits while they were on sale. Did start looking at prams last week tho to get a feel of what I like and don't like. Its all exciting!! Xx
We had bought a full set of prams and car seats about two years ago when someone was offering a great deal ha ha. We also bought some Christmas outfits in the sales and a few small bits in the black Friday deals. Nothing major though!
I'm due on the 12th with my first baby! ❤️❤️
It's great but also worrying feeling better isn't it? A lot of time I don't feel pregnant either, but then run my hands on belly and can feel bump in there ♡

I don't think i can feel anything.. I have obvious bloat/bump but don't think it's an actual baby bump yet.. been having a few little twinges but that's it! Cant wait for my scan on Monday to reassure me everything ok!

Congratulations angie! :)

Had a really vivid dream that I'd won an hours shopping spree around toys r us and babies r us last night. It was that real I woke up excited to look at all the stuff I'd got lol. If only it was true!

Still got bad cold/flu, haven't been able to eat much the last few days and thrown up/coughed that much that my tummy hurts. Know it's probably just pulled muscles but still worrying me. Not sure if should go to gp or not as feel they'd think I'm wasting their time :| xx
Scan was all good! They've put me 12+4 now so new due date is 17 July. Scan wasn't clear enough to do the screening so have got to have bloods in a few weeks time. Little tyke was doing somersaults in there.. No wonder I've felt so sick!! Eeeek!
I don't think i can feel anything.. I have obvious bloat/bump but don't think it's an actual baby bump yet.. been having a few little twinges but that's it! Cant wait for my scan on Monday to reassure me everything ok!


It's only mainly when I lay in bed and my flabby belly spreads out lol. Can feel a firmer lump now and then which I assume is bubba, seems to prefer left side most of the time xx
Glad scan went well Michelle! Find it weird how they're flipping about so much already lol xx
Yeah i've noticed sleeping on my stomach feels uncomfortable now, which is really annoying because I naturally always turn onto my stomach and I think it wakes me up!

I finally had my booking in appointment today (yep at nearly 14 weeks!) it's a long story but basically my local midwife moved area and they had nobody to replace her so after endless phone calls chasing them they finally assigned me to a new one at the hospital so had to squeeze me in before my scan on Monday! I was there for 2 and half hours had my bloods taken (after two attempts!) which I'll have to have done again on Monday! - feels like it's been a long day!

I manage avout an hour laying on my stomach before it gets uncomfortable , normally sleep on my right side but that's starting to get uncomfortable too some nights.

Glad you've finally been seen to! If they've managed to squeeze you in now, surely they could've done that a while ago? I thought mine was late at 10 weeks lol. Hope scan goes well on Monday :) feels like it's dragging until mine on Friday xx
I know, no-one ever returned my calls or seemed to be able to help, it's only because I phoned everyday hassling I finally got in!

I had my bloods done but on the phone they mentioned having them done on Monday when I have my scan - do you think i'll have to have them done again or would they have done the screening bit with those bloods? Anybody had two lots taken?

I think they take them every appt anyway, not fully sure. My first appt at 10 weeks she took three lots, then said about taking more at my 15 week appt.

Stupid that you had to keep hassling but glad it worked, shouldn't have to come to that :| xx
Yeah I think I had three tubes plus an extra one for my thyroid - hopefully I won't need to have them done on Monday, I'll check my notes maybe it says!

Hopefully! Can't see why they'd need to take them again so soon.
They gave you your notes to keep? Mine didn't. I know we're meant to have them with us at all times, but assumed I'd get them at next appt :s xx
Good luck Salisbury! I'm graduating from here tomorrow! I'm excited! Well... I would be if it didn't coincide with going back to work after a nice long break!
Hopefully! Can't see why they'd need to take them again so soon.
They gave you your notes to keep? Mine didn't. I know we're meant to have them with us at all times, but assumed I'd get them at next appt :s xx

Thats strange!.. they gave me mine and said to bring them to every appointment and scan.

I checked and won't have bloods done again until 28 weeks.


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