Any July 2017 Mummies?

How strange HarleySarah, hope the salt water works. My belly button is dark already, don't know if that's due to previous pregnancies, no line yet though x
I've had that with my belly button occasionally. I've always used tea tree oil before, which worked a treat but I'm guessing as it's an essential oil it's not recommended during pregnancy...?
Saltwater seems to have helped so far, thanks julybug :)

Ohh I didn't realise its not recommended kizzy. Would that be the same for witch hazel too? I use the liquid kind on my face every other day.

Happy new year everyone! Can't believe we have our bubbas this year ♡♡ xx
Tea tree oil is safe in pregnancy. Theres a few essential oils we should avoid though. I'm not sure what ones are not safe to use though

I think witch hazel is safe aswell
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Here a list of oils not safe in pregnancy
Arnica (homeopathic is fine) - Basil - Birch (sweet) - Bitter almond -
Boldo leaf - Broom - Buchu - Calamus - Camphor (brown or yellow) - Cassia - Cedarwood/thuja - Chervil - Cinnamon - Clary sage - Clove (bud, leaf or stem) - Coriander - Costus - Deertongue - Elecampane - Fennel - Horseradish - Hyssop - Jaborandi leaf - Juniper berry - Melilotus - Mugwort - Mustard - Nutmeg - Origanum - Parsley (large doses) - Pennyroyal - Pine (dwarf) - Rosemary - Rue - Sassafras - Savin - Savory (summer) - Tansy - Thyme red (large doses) - Tonka - Wintergreen - Wormwood
Think i really need to see a doctor. I have flashing light and weird fuzzy eyes not sure whats going on with me anymore
Love picking out names! Think we're 99% sorted for a boys name ♡

Hope you're ok and doctors sort you out aurora! Try and take it easy xx
My next scan is the 9th Jan too :) I'll be 14 weeks so looking forward to seeing how much bubba has grown!

I haven't even thought about names yet, I think we'll wait until we know gender - although I do have a unisex name that I really like!

Does anyone know if it's ok to take cold&flu tablets and cough syrup? Can tell I'm starting with a really bad cold, chest feels so heavy, headache, full on sluggish body. I get so whiny and pathetic when I'm like this, so tend to dose up as soon as I start feeling this but not sure if I can xx
Just paracetamol I'm afraid. I know it sucks( I love lemsip) but the cold and flu stuff contain stuff we shouldn't have. Try some hot lemon and you could add honey to it too. Feel better soon x
Bummer :( I'll try it thanks :) vicky vapour rub should still be ok on chest and feet? I just know I'll be bad in labour lol :') xx
Had to leave work as I'm feeling dreadful :'( hate letting them down but known need to look after myself even more now. The lights at work and every little noise felt like jackhammer going off in my head.
Got some low paracetomol and made honey hot water. Praying it kicks in soon!! Xx
Better to stay home and get better quicker than suffer at work. Hope you start to feel better soon. I imagine vapour rub would be ok, I don't think there has been much research into it. Maybe just use a little than you normally would x
I stupidly packed it away and can't remember which box it's in :'( moving in a couple of weeks so stuffs all over the place lol. Gonna have to find it though. Thanks :)xx
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I have started getting headaches now so hope work will be ok when I start back next week. Good luck moving house too! That can't be something to look forward to right now I imagine!
Oh having a cold sucks.. hope you feel better soon! I had one really bad at about 7 weeks and lived off honey & lemon!

I'm feeling pretty good today, I don't feel pregnant at all!! I'm guessing as I'm passing into 2nd tri everything has settled down? I have a scan Monday so I don't have long to get too worried about it thankfully!

I made an impulse buy this morning of a Tommee Tippee Perfect prep machine?.. It was £70 which is a lot of money (and not the cheapest its been!) but the reviews are fantastic, a lot of people say it's the best thing they ever bought. I'm not planning on breastfeeding so hoping this little gadget will come in handy!

Anybody else had any impulse buys?

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I've just hit twelve weeks today and got my scan tomorrow! Getting excited now ��
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I have started getting headaches now so hope work will be ok when I start back next week. Good luck moving house too! That can't be something to look forward to right now I imagine!

Hope you're better for work!

Not at the minute no lol. Ive been house sharing with a friend so a lot of my stuff is still at my old house in Hull too. Need to get all my stuff from current house into bf's next week, so the week after I can get all my stuff from parents house. Luckily my bf and I are off work that week so he's able to do all the climbing into the attic while I can be on tea and coffee duty :) xx

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