Any July 2017 Mummies?

I've had ups and downs!

Back better as Bowen lady managed to see me Thursday. Still twinning but going in right direction.

Booking in appointment with midwife seemed ok. I'm high risk because of age but also because of my back. I might not be able to have an epidural either because of that - don't really want one anyway! I told her I'd been having brown discharge for last 4 weeks but had heard that was fairly normal. She said no it's not. Only white or clear is normal. Told me to get to EGU (Emergency Gynae Unit) that day.

So as soon as oh finished work I picked him up. Headed over. Spoke to nurse. Did urine sample. Did blood sample. Had internal exam. Told I had to wait for blood results - if HCG level high they'd scan, if low they'd assume miscarriage :(. We were there about 3 hours then headed home. Said they'd call Saturday with blood results. Thought I would sleep! Luckily they called 1 hour after getting home. HCG levels strong so scan booked for Sunday morning.

Sunday morning I get up and BRIGHT RED BLOOD. Enough to need a pad. I'm distraught. Convinced I'm miscarrying. Get to hospital for scan. Explain to scan lady. She says as only 8+4 I need internal scan. Can barely watch. Oh starts crying as soon as she says baby is fine. Literally could not believe it. So relieved I swear. Baby is wriggling around. She can't see any cause for bleeding. Go back up to see nurse who says yes - everything is fine right now. Go away. Come back in 2 weeks if stays the same. Earlier if gets worse.

Sigh. So now just hoping and praying everything is ok and this is just how it's going to be for me. Told that was my dating scan so next at 20 weeks!

Anyone else getting discharge? Mines brown - sometimes stringy/clotty and occasionally watery. Occasionally nothing at all.
Glad all is ok kizzy! That's a bit ridiculous that they're classing that as you're dating scan! You should still get one in a few weeks for it :/

Not having discharge as such, but do constantly feel 'wet' down there which makes me worry, I'm still checking everytime I wipe that I'm not bleeding ��
My scan went fab, baby is perfect. I'm a week further along then I thought so due 28 June and 12 weeks 6 days pregnant so in 2nd trimester tomorrow.
Kizzy they should still do the 12 week scan as that is also the one where they check the nuchal fold for downs and some other syndroms.
Ams good to hear the scan went well.

Amy thats great good luck in tri 2 x
I also work in a supermarket Harleysarah. We have the choice to work either boxing day or new years so i have a 12 hour shift on boxing day and new year eve and day off.
Gosh Kizzy, what a drama. I'm glad it was good news though, it must have been such a relief.

And congrats Amy, getting promoted tomorrow:-)
Thank you ladies, I've been fairly volatile all day crying and hysterically laughing at stupid
Things god help me xxx
I also work in a supermarket Harleysarah. We have the choice to work either boxing day or new years so i have a 12 hour shift on boxing day and new year eve and day off.

It's naff we're open those days isn't it? :/ ours is voluntary based (meant to be!) I never really do anything new years, definitely won't be out drinking this year lol) so said I'd rather do new year if I have to do one of the two. Only bonus is its double pay plus a paid day off in leiu in January. Gonna see if I can take it around my week off I have in January so I have an extra day to move and recover lol
Thank you ladies, I've been fairly volatile all day crying and hysterically laughing at stupid
Things god help me xxx

I cried while watching arrow yesterday! (Catch up of last week's crossover episode) bf keeps laughing at me whenever I do, but especially hard at that one :')
Hi ladies! I'm due 22nd July. Have fingers and toes crossed for everybody! Desperate for my scan in 3 weeks, convinced it's all too good to be true right now!
I threw up last night not long after taking my anti sickness tablet.
So today im feeling really sick and dizzy again. Have phoned the doctor to get a repeat prescription as i only have 2 left and really dont want to be sick on christmas day.

Was really hoping i could stop taking them now im 12 weeks but i guess not.
Got my hospital booking in appointment thru for 9th Jan. Guess I can talk to her about my screening scan. They might end up giving me another next week yet. Discharge no better. No worse either. Stinking headache today.

We're a right bunch of worriers aren't we?!? Lol

I'm currently due on the 22nd of July with our first, and that so happens to the day after my birthday :)

It's funny, as My mum was born on the 25th, I was born on the 21st and now Baby is due on the 22nd :) Expensive month!

Exciting to see so many other July 2017 Mummies out there - how exciting!

Hope you all are well and wishing everyone happy and healthy pregnancies! xx
Congratulations fairy and Steph! :)

Work is absolutely knackering me out at the moment, don't want to slow down as I dont want to let people down, but Its draining me :(
Banged my stomach yesterday too on a shelf edge so feeling a bit tender and worried :/ luckily I'm 'festively plump' so hoping bubbas got extra cushioned protection xx
Thanks Harley Sarah, aw bless you try and take it easy, believe me no one who is in their right mind would think you'd let anyone down. I know it's hard to slow down though particularly if you are used to being busy.

Try not to worry about the bump, babies are very resilient :-) but if in doubt you can always give your doctor or midwife a call :)

Fairy1 - we are due on the same day how exciting! Roll on our scans, mines on the 3rd. Hope you are feeling well - I know the too good to be true feeling, bu w 'll get there and feel silly for worrying when we do :-) xx
Morning ladies, I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas if I don't get on here tomorrow or xmas day. I'm 13 weeks tomorrow and I can feel baby a lot which is odd cause of how early I am if I am that early haha. Any weird cravings? I love cucumber and a little bit of salt ha xxx
I've had no cravings but major food aversions.. especially in the evenings! I can eat most things throughout the day until about 4pm onwards and my appetite goes completely, I try and eat a bigger lunch at the moment as I know I won't be able to eat dinner! xx
No cravings properly yet (apart from water)
Today's another not keeping much food down day :( been super busy at work (why do people need so much food for one day?!?!) So I'm getting really tired, on my dinner break now and just can't stop crying! 4 11-12hr days in a row have broken me :( 5 days off after today tho, so tonight's plans are sleeping until Xmas day!

Hope you all have a fab Xmas and that bubbas let us all keep our food down xxx
Merry Christmas everyone
Hope we all manage to eat our christmas dinner and no sickness tomorrow.
Hope you all have a lovely day x

Also can't believe we will all be over in tri 2 soon!
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