Any July 2017 Mummies?

Only a week and 2 days till my 12 week scan! Got to go up the hospital to get my bloods done on tuesday which i hate as they can never get blood from me. Once had them trying to get it out of my foot which was not pleasent.

When does tri 2 start i thought it was 12 weeks but the boards say 13? 13 weeks for me is boxing day!
Hey lovelies and congrats to new ladies joining us! I have a erm embarrassing issue and I keep getting upset about it but I don't know what to do...since getting pregnant again I've noticed I have hairs all over my chin and it's like stubble I'm not even joking it's bad. I've tried waxing, bleaching, plucking and shaving and I'm really having a bad time with my skin too :( I don't think the dr can give me anything for it and I don't know if anyone else is having this problem but I am really down over it (very emotional today already) advice please xxx

My top lip is really hairy (and spotty) its really embarresing i've tried waxing but it grows back so fast! :-(
Hmmm how strange, maybe it's all the extra hormones you have at the moment. Hope they go soon for you.

Aurora, it's def 13 weeks the start of 2nd Trimester x
Hi ladies, not been on for a while! My scan date is 22nd Dec, right before Christmas!! Hope you're all doing well!
I'm a bit worried. I had got 2 electric shocks last night from a faulty plug sockets and this morning i had some red blood. My scan is only a week away so dont know if its worth asking for a scan this week.
Can you take me off the list please? Had a tiny bit of brown spotting last Tuesday so went for an early scan today (should be 11 + 3 according to lmp) but my sac is empty. Gutted doesn't even come close and I'm also terrified of what's to come. They think my body is finally starting to realise what's going on so should take care of things but I've heard some horror stories. Just want it all over.

Good luck to you all x
Oh no sorry to hear that Joey Pops. All the best for the future.
So sorry JoeyPops :-(. Sending hugs to you ((()))

Aurora i would phone GP or midwife first thing tomorrow. I'm sure everything is fine but with red blood you should get checked out. Has it stopped? X
Thanks all! Managed to get an Ambihammock for £35 too (they're £250 new) very pleased!!
Hi ladies not posted in a while but i just need a quick rant.

I know my situation is very different from everyone on this thread but im just so angry.

Last year i had my 1st surro baby the couple promised to stay friends and that we would go for baby 2 together. However as soon as they got the parental order that changed they still wanted another baby but they became very distant with me and then complained that that their son is too white! Not sure what they expected as it was my egg used and im very pale and they are muslim.

So after alot of talk i decided to go with another couple who only had until april to use their eggs luckily it worked first time. Now i have the other lady messaging me constantly saying i betrayed her and now she will never get another child. And messaging all my family to bad mouth me to them. All i want is to help people and now feel like its just not worth it.
Shes also messaged the mother of this baby to say how disgusted she is with her. Im so upset as the mother has been through years of ivf just to get to this point and this is the last thing she needs

Sorry for the rant just needed to vent
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Gosh. They sound like they are the sort of people who would never be happy; anyone that would complain about the colour of their baby and foul mouthing you and the baby's mother is not worth worrying about. What a fantastic thing you are doing though - it must take a lot of courage. Well done :)
How is everyone? Had my bloods done today which took ages as she couldn't find a vein eventaully got some out of my hand.
I'm starting to get bouts of feeling like I'm going to throw up. Still haven't actually got there yet though. Waiting on the midwife calling so I can actually get my booking in appointment done!
I had my first lot of bloods done today with a student midwife, she was very good and all went well. I am being sick quite a bit now which has stopped me from going out to run :( Just hoping it doesn't last as long as with my daughter. Had my scan appointment through for 17th Jan so that's quite exciting :) Hope everyone is doing okay xx
Threw up for the first time this morning.

Feeling utterly Rubbish.

Have a blocked nose and a sore throat and the nausea

I feel queasy most of the time but nothing too bad yet. I got some travel sickness wristbands that I wear if it's annoying me, and I just find healthy snacking keeps me feeling better. Healthy eating in general tends to make me feel better - felt at my worst when pigging out!

Midwife appointment Friday whoop
Had my first craving today. Curry and poppadoms i dont really like either on i usually only like korma but i really want a spicy curry

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