Any July 2017 Mummies?

PB : between about 2 and 5mm then it should grow about 1mm a day. But at this stage variation is wild my 5+2 week scan they couldn't see anything at 7weeks I was put back 2 days by the 13week u was put forward 3 days
Oh. Baby measured 2.2mm was worried it was small.
With my first mc, heartbeat was found but baby wasnt growing at the right rate. Shes put me back to 5+5 but i calculated from when i 'think' i ovulated which would put me at 5+4 so technically im 1 day infrount? lol idk. I understand why i got such a good positive pregnancy test so early now though lol. x
Hi ladies, I've been a bit quiet this week but I've just caught up reading -
Violet I'm so happy everything turned out ok with your scans that's brilliant news
- PB im so sorry for what your going through, and I pray things turn out okay for you.
I went to the docs last night to confirm pregnancy and mentioned the niggling constant twinge in my right side, I was thinking it could be a uti but he seemed a bit uncertain, he gave me antibiotics anyways and said to arrange with the midwife an early scan to rule out ectopic- he was lovely but didn't have a clue. I totally can't relax, I'm waiting on a female doctor ringing me today but I'm not sure what to say to her, I just want to make sure the baby is where he/she should be! I work nights in a nursing home 7 on 7 off I phoned in sick last night and have for tnyt aswell, fee like I'm being totally dramatic but it's such a scary time xxx
I'm still so annoyed by him calling me old. I'm tempted to put a complaint in.
I like the idea of knowing the sex earlier so that would be a bonus. My sister lost a baby at 32 weeks.because of Edwards syndrom so thats why i had considered the test.
I'm still so annoyed by him calling me old. I'm tempted to put a complaint in.
I like the idea of knowing the sex earlier so that would be a bonus. My sister lost a baby at 32 weeks.because of Edwards syndrom so thats why i had considered the test.

Aurora I agree I think the GP was wrong saying you're old at 30 & should have testing, he could be causing you to worry unnecessarily, if you didn't know better.
Oh. Baby measured 2.2mm was worried it was small.
With my first mc, heartbeat was found but baby wasnt growing at the right rate. Shes put me back to 5+5 but i calculated from when i 'think' i ovulated which would put me at 5+4 so technically im 1 day infrount? lol idk. I understand why i got such a good positive pregnancy test so early now though lol. x

Pb I'm so happy for you that you still have a healthy bean in there-sorry to hear about the other one. Must be such mixed emotions for you.

I was measuring 8mm and I'm a week ahead of you so that's bang on lovely.

Fx for the next scan that's it's all continuing as it should be. Try to relax a little now Hun. Xxx
Becca a constant twinge is normal. I feel like I've got a permanent golf ball stuck in my pelvis! if you have sharp stabbing pains and it doubles you over then that would be more concerning. An early scan will put your mind at ease-glad he offered it to you. Fx try not to worry xx
Is anyone planning to get the Harmony test/ Nipt.
I've been looking into it and i might go for it.
Saw a doctor this morning and he said i was old and should definatly consider the test. Wont be see that cheeky sod again. I'm only 30!

HOW RUDE!!!!! I can't believe he said that!!! 37 is classed as higher risk...cheeky sod! I'm 35 and we are probably going to get it done, I'd rather know sooner rather than later if there's an issue. Xx
Thanks or the reassurance ladies, trying to keep positive that the baby will survive. My mom was actually pregnant with twins with my little sister (now 5) she lost the one. She was 45 and smoked, with diabetes ive looked at the statistics for that oh my word how did she make it. So im hoping that my little peanut will make it! x

Also .. Is it normal for hair on your body to start turning dark? I was in the bath last night and looked at my belly, all my tiny little baby hair is turning black aswell as my arm hair!!
Yep that's normal you turn into a werewolf when pregnant. I found a hair on my chin the other day that was as long as a dogs tail it was just there wagging at me!

My cousin had a miscarriage at 7 weeks but after beginning to get I'll a few weeks later they thought she had an infection as it hadnt completed so they scanned her and found a 13week baby inside her she had lost a twin but they didn't know it was twins! That little baby 's now my 2yr old cousin x
Lol, not looking forward to the werewolf effect! thanks for the heads up! lol

Went and had my appointment with my doctor tonight, just a routine visit to make it 'official' - she said it's good I've not had any symptoms yet, not sure what that means lol.. also asked her about my midwife appointment being so early (I'll only be 7 weeks!) and apparently that's fine, she said my 1st scan will be around 11 weeks?.. Which is also early isn't it??.. I guess I'll just wait and see what the midwife says, either my doctor hasn't got a clue or maybe they do it differently in my area?! xx
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1st scan is between 11 and 14 weeks your bubs will be a bit smaller but fully formed x x
My midwife appointment is next week which i thought was early. I assumed they wouldn't see me untill 8-9 weeks.
I have a tilted uterus so i wont be able to have the normal 12 week scan unless its internal as the couldn''t see alot with my first pregnancy and that was at 14 weeks.
PB I'm so so happy you have a baby in there with a good heartbeat but so sorry for the loss too. Stick baby stick!!!

Aurora I can't believe he called you old, maybe he miscalculated your DOB? ?? I can't imagine he'd honestly think you're old at 30 :lol:

My midwife appointment came through today, not until 28th November!! :( I'm never going to get my pre xmas scan in if it's that late or do can they book them in quite soon?
Hello, can I join too? I'm due 3rd July, both excited and terrified! It's so lovely to see others in the same position as other than my husband, I've not told anyone and he must be getting bored of me stressing about all my symptoms! Have you all told your families yet?
Aurora : I have a tilted uterus and they saw bubs fine through my abdomen at 10 and 13 weeks. Your uterus comes forward around 9-11 weeks x
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I've heard a few different things re the 1st midwife appointment some people have said 8 weeks some said 10 weeks - I guess it depends on the procedure in your area?

How many weeks will you be at your appointment Aurora? xx

Hello, can I join too? I'm due 3rd July, both excited and terrified! It's so lovely to see others in the same position as other than my husband, I've not told anyone and he must be getting bored of me stressing about all my symptoms! Have you all told your families yet?

Hey Joey!


I haven't told anybody yet either, only my OH of course.

We are planning on announcing it at Christmas xxx


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