any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2010
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5DPO - i have a sharp pain in my lower right abdo- seems like womb/ovary area?? its there all day and hasnt got worse no better! also had a nose bleed this morning - never had 1 before - just suddenly came on whilst eating breaky - nauseas comes and goes!
any ideas anyone??
Mmmm.....I'm not really sure tbh but didnt wanna read & run, hope your ok though :hugs:

Not really sure either hun, twinges/nausea may be promising but not sure about the nose bleed x
That all sounds really positive! I didn't know what it was at the time (as I wasn't really looking) but I remeber having sharp pains on my lower left side for a day or 2, which I guess now might have been implantation. I get nosebleeds sometimes, but I've had a fair few since I found out im pg x FX for you hun xx
Fx its implantation!! still there but less sharp im beginning to think its implantation as it doesnt feel like any of my bowel stuff - well only time will tell must not get hopes up!!
ive just googled nose bleeds and early pregnancy cos ive never had 1 before - and apparently they are really common in pregnancy and the stuffyness nose feeling is common too!!
:whistle::whistle:trying not to get hopes up- but all looking good!!
FX Mrs Wigglez!!

Most websites say implantation happens around 6-9 DPO, and 5DPO is very close to that, so could be a good sign! :)

Nose bleed sounds good too (er, in a symptom-like way!!)

Yep, Nose bleeds are very common in pregnancy. I've never had one either! Let's hope I get a full on nose bleed this month and not a bleed elsewhere! ;D

Your symptoms sound promising.
Lots of luck to you. I hope you get a bfp this month. :dust:
My fingers and toes are crossed for you hunny, your symptoms sound very good :) x x

got lots of extra clear CM too so not sure if thats a sign - nose still running + bunged up so watch the space

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