any advice re MMC or threatened MC


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
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I'm officially a wreak!!
i have 2 gorgeous girls and am currently pregnant-
at least i think i am.
i have done about 8 tests all positive and been using CB digital with conception indicator.
however i am scared sh***less as i have had 2 recent MCs.
the first one was 7 weeks according to scan- though i thought i was further on- i did see a hb.
the second- and most recent was in Feb-found out it wasn't a viable pregnancy on valentines day to be precise. it was classified as a pregnancy of unknown location. i.e. no sac could be found, bleeding on/ off, hcg still rising.
this time i found out on 17th July- day after my 40th birthday.
the CB digital has not increased in past couple of weeks, stuck at 2-3 weeks, a scan on monday and the sonographer couldn't see properly-though it was an external and i freaked and jumped off the bed and wouldn't let them look for long- i was scared as she was pushing sooo hard and i lost the first one 1 week after an external scan.
I've had no symptoms, was a bit more tired at first but nothing today. Ive not got sore boobs, no nausea but i did get a very small spot of blood last night after a bout of constipation. it was definitely from my front passage and not from my BM,
i just don't feel pregnant.
but my question is - surely if i was miscarrying i would know??
can anyone shed any light on a MMC, as I've no experience of this
I'm getting small cramps today- period like, but no further bleeding.
sorry this has turned into an easy,
I'm just such a mess, hubby keeps telling me to relax and stop thinking about it and over analysing it. BUT i can't think of anything else.
I'm drinking lots of water in order to go to the loo more just so i can check for blood.
i was more thirsty at first but this seems to have gone too.
I am sorry to hear this hun,

BUT you really do need to go back and let the Dr scan you to find out what is going on.

I've had 3 miscarriages and never at any point have I felt my scans caused my miscarriage / intereferred with my pregnancy (my scans were all internal as well)

Please be brave and find out what the situation is so you can begin to deal with it?

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I'm real sorry ur going through all this its not easy I know I had 3 weeks and 3 scans with my first mmc/blighted ovum last may all I had was slight spotting and I wasn't sure how far I was cos of a miised af that made me think I was 10 weeks wen I had scan they said I was only 5.d weeks and only a sac and the very early stages off a baby so needed another scan that showed slight growth of sac so they said wait another week I knew then it was all over I didn't have no symptoms either,I was 10 weeks at recent mmc baby stopped at 8 weeks I seen a hb but body refused to mc I needed an erpc I had external and internal scans and I don't think either were to blame for mcs,u realy should go bk and have an internal scan they hardly touch u inside and at least this way u will know instead of torturing uself like this .realy hope it all turns out ok for you best of luck xx
Sorry you are having to go through this honey! Its such an awful time! Xxx
Aww Hun, you really need to report how you are feeling to your doctor or mw.
Can you self refer to your local EPAU?
I'm a bit better tonight as had no bleeding or spotting whatsoever all day today.
i spoke to my friends husband who is a consultant obs and gynae- i really don't like
annoying him with every little worry i have.
he was great at my last mc as i was actually visiting them when i was spotting brown on and off for weeks and kept getting positive tests, he got me straight in to his hospital in belfast, scanned me and did bloods and i got the results 3 hrs later.
so i wasn't wanting to call him again- after all it is his weekend too and he isn't at work.
anyway he is always so matter of fact-
he said i need to just stay chilled as i can't do anything to change what might happen, thinks i should wait a bit longer before i get scanned- ideally till my booking scan as although scans aren't to blame for mcs, they often get the blame as so many early pregnancies end in mc.
also said that many people don't have high hog levels so clear blue isn't accurate in all cases.
i do like how he is so direct, it actually works for me.
so I've started taking baby asprin as he says it won't hurt and I'm resting, though i have to go to work tomorrow,
scrap that, just ben to loo and there is pink blood!!
will be a long wait wont it for that scan ? i dont think i could wait that long but thats just me i would need to know and then go from there,still have hope if eevrything else is gone we always have that little bit of hope :) xx
I've had two MCs too. The first I just started spotting one day and passed everything the next. The second back in Feb I had spotting when I had a BM I was a mess and stuck in LA. I didn't think a Doc in Hollywood would be cheap and as we were on holiday we didn't have a Babysitter available for the kids and I didn't want to take them to an ER on a sat in LA so i had to wait it out. I went for a jog to get things moving because we had 9 days in Fiji before we got home. But there was no more spotting of any kind red, brown, or pink until the day I was packing to go home. I started spotting but it was clear CM with the threads of red. I knew that was it. As soon as we got back in Australia I rang my doc and he bumped me in. Then got me in for a scan an hour later. We found the baby had died the day I had that first lot of spotting. :( I passed it 2 days later naturally.

This pregnancy I had spotting at 9 weeks after a BM and I FREAKED!!!!! My doc got me in and got me scanned a few hours later. It ended up being fine. The baby was moving around and had a GREAT heartbeat and I got put forward 5 days. So there is HOPE. :)

But your friend was right when I was in last week for that emergency scan I thought "why am I here there is nothing that can be done." Since then I still worry about cramps and the fact that my symptoms over the past 2 or 3 days are disappearing but I'm almost 11 weeks if I go by my original dates past that if I go by the scan at 9 weeks so that's normal. I just keep saying no matter how hard I try it is completely out of my hands now and it seems to calm me down.

I hope this has not upset you. I just wanted to show you that I know both scenarios at the moment I still have 10 days until my 12 week scan.
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Thanks for your kind replies. I'm feeling period like cramps which I'm sure is it all starting. No bleeding overnight but both times I went to the loo. Not only just on loo paper either :(
Pretty certain I'm loosing this Lo. I've got to go in to work today, so at least this will take my mind away from me and what's happening to me for a while. Hopefully cramps won't get too bad today.
I'm then off till thurs.
I don't think there is any point going to Epu as I will wait and see how much blood I pass first.
Hi smac sorry to hear you are bleeding still :/ did you go to the epu?xx :hugs:
No I started cramping and bleeding heavily this morning, called Epu but they were closed as holiday here. I was put through to triage who said I should call Epu tm as they has no facilities to scan. They said if I was worried about the pain or bleeding to call back.
I've since basically stopped bleeding and don't feel anything.
No pain, no cramps, don't feel pregnant, just feel like me!!??!!
I'm assuming that I have lost or am in the process of loosing baby and apart from feeling sad I'm not really feeling anything.
No idea if I'm just plain weird or if anyone has felt like this?
Hi, Smac; I have concerns around a mmc at the moment apparantly you may not know you have actually lost the baby until a scan and it can take weeks to bleed. I have a fear around this one at the moment and have a scan Friday but I am not hopeful if I am honest. I know how you must be feeling and I hope it works out for you chick xxx
oh merfairy, I'm sorry you too are worried. its really rubbish all this pregnancy malarky!!!
I've been bleeding all week, called emu and they offered to get me in, but going to wait,
when bleeding stops ill do a pregnancy test and take it from there.
i know I've lost this one, just need to make sure my hormone levels return to normal.
i hope all goes well for you on friday.
oh merfairy, I'm sorry you too are worried. its really rubbish all this pregnancy malarky!!!
I've been bleeding all week, called emu and they offered to get me in, but going to wait,
when bleeding stops ill do a pregnancy test and take it from there.
i know I've lost this one, just need to make sure my hormone levels return to normal.
i hope all goes well for you on friday.

Have you been passing clots?????? It could just be your cervix or something. You really need to get this confirmed until you loose all hope.

I check on you every day and I really hope you have some great news soon. :hugs:
Im so sorry my lovely, but if you have not bled a lot/passed clots it may not be.....? xx

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