

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2008
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I'm only 21 so not exactly old but I'm really starting to worry about my childs safety. I do suffer from an anxiety disorder so I've got a feeling that most of it is down to that. But when i was a kid all we used to do was go pick flowers in the woods or make dens and we were always safe. But now I know I'm bringing a child into such a different world. Everytime I read a paper or put onthe news theres stories about paedophiles or kids stabbing kids and it's starting to freak me out. I know I don't want to smother my child I want them to go into the world and grow up but I'm just freaking out that nowhere is safe.

I just scared because when my baby comes along I will do anything to keep them safe but when they're old enough to go out alone then t's sort of out of my hands.

Sorry about the rant just got set off by reading about a 14 year old getting stabbed.
Horrible isnt it

Ill worry when the time comes :(

Hopefully the death sentence will be back then.. :lol: :cry:
Same here hun and I'm 22yrs so practically the same age.

Used to go chasing around feilds and woods as well in small groups of 3-5 of us.....or just to the park with my best friend :roll:

It's right we can't smother them - but I really hope they've got some of this youth crime sorted out by the time he's old enough to want to start doing things independantly. Having said that though I propbably wouldn't let him walk to the corner shop with a friend or anything until he's 8yrs-9yrs old :lol: So here's giving the stupid government a chance :roll:

I think me and my friends only started wandering off a lot and going into town etc at 11yrs old :D

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