Another PCOS thread... Sorry ladies

Lulla Bell

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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Hey Ladies, So I have my scan on Friday to see if I have PCOS, Ive obviously been symptom spotting for it and I'm convinced I have it... Its got me so down I've not really wanted to DTD which is just adding to the issue obviously.
Ladies that have it, is there anything natural that you have taken to sort out your cycles? Ive started on Pregnacare and extra B6.... Im hoping it helps
And just for a little bit of hope...
Who has it and has had a Nice BFP?

As you can see, I'm still waiting but don't let that put you off :-)

I had a lot of spotting through my cycles and B6 made this worse. Pregnacare didn't make a difference either way. What has helped was maca root tablets, myo-inositol, chromium, cinnamon (I'd start in that order). I've changed my diet too - minimal sugar, lower carbs, lots of good fats, avoid processed foods.

Quite a few PCOS ladies on here got pregnant using soy isoflavones (do your research first though). They didn't work for me and just made it go down to 26 days.

Hope this helps xx
Oh and maca is great for sorting out cycles whether you have pcos or not :-) xx
I'm on pretty much what phonix is. I've had two natural bfps and one from a clomid cycle but unfortunately pco does increase the chance of mc and I also have a problem with thyroid antibodies so that shoots my mc risk right up so don't be too disheartened by my statistics. Lots of pco ladies have babies without any trouble, for others it does take a little longer. There isn't any major difference in numbers who are successful in the end though so stay positive!

Soy didn't do anything for me either.
There is so much conflicting evidence surrounding vitamins haha, I feel like I'm in the deep end, although I have heard that cinnamon is a good one.
I've got my scan on Friday, so I guess I'll just wait until then .
I'm really hoping it's just my obsessive nature that's making symptom spot invisible symptoms xxx
Hey Ladies, So I have my scan on Friday to see if I have PCOS, Ive obviously been symptom spotting for it and I'm convinced I have it... Its got me so down I've not really wanted to DTD which is just adding to the issue obviously.
Ladies that have it, is there anything natural that you have taken to sort out your cycles? Ive started on Pregnacare and extra B6.... Im hoping it helps
And just for a little bit of hope...
Who has it and has had a Nice BFP?

What scan is it you had if you dont mind me asking? I was told by the consultant at the hospital that he cant tell me if I have PCOS or not because its too hard to diagnose
An ultrasound would show PCOS most likely. I don't have cysts on mine but they look different. They always say they look fluffy or fuzzy. Also blood tests usually show it up too.
Sugarpop is right. Ovaries are generally enlarged too. Not everyone else has cysts strangely enough which is why blood tests are sometimes needed. I wouldn't say it's particularly difficult to diagnose in most people...
Thank you girls. I am so angry with my consultant- I have had U/S, blood tests and TV scan and examination by the so called specialist. He basically said nothing more than I am too fat and see him in a year when I have lost 7 stone. Thanks for that massive help
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Unfortunately that's what a lot of doctors say. In some women losing weight can help tremendously and in some other ladies it's extremely difficult and doesn't help the issue much.
I have no idea what to take for my pcos. I feel like if I listen to everything I'd rattle every time I move!

I'm currently taking 3 500mg tablets of metformin, 2 1000mg agnus castus and a wellwoman plus with omega 3,6,9 and folic acid. I take the odd cinnamon tablet when I remember but haven't noticed any effect from these.

Ahhh! Help?!
Lulla, sorry to hear you have PCOS. Ive done a bit of a research about pcos, fibroids and all other growing things are caused by too much estrogen in the body.

Bad estrogen comes from cheap meat, food with SOYa in it and dairy products. I quit meat, soy and cheese for 3 months now. If you look at cookie packet, soy is there. Its an artificial sugar that our kidneys can't process and it stays inside the body and cause stuff to grow. Choose cookies without soy (E322).

Cutting all meat, soy and cheese will be very helpful, but you need to add vegetables into your diet: kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. I bought a steamer insert for my veg. Veg will start the flushing process.

Then also 1 cup a day of green tea with a splash of apple cider vinegar will flush out excess estrogen and also milled flaxseeds.

Im now on day 13.

I don't have pcos but I do have a small fibroid which Im trying to shrink naturally. x
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Candida, an overgrowth of yeast in the body, can mess up hormones and cause cysts. It's not recognised by NHS, but lots of women go on an anti-candida diet to sort out fertility problems and PCOS. It's basically NO sugar and low starch, with foods to kill the yeast. Basically candida produces a kind of false estrogen which can wreak havoc with fertility.

I only had one cyst and shrunk it by losing weight and doing anti-candida diet. I haven't had a scan since May but it had shrunk by a third then and I'm pretty sure it's gone now. My cycles are back to normal - and they were a mess! I also gave up dairy and soya.

Good luck! x
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Dairy is an interesting one, for some ladies it is good and for others not so. I actually started to eat more dairy (swapping from semi skim to whole milk, more butter rather than spreads, cheese (none of the low fat stuff). My body can process this better and without changing anything else or doing more exercise I lost 5kg. Yes 5kg lost by eating more calories and more fat (just from dairy, not from other stuff I left the rest of my diet alone as it is relatively good, low in processed food, low gi, all home cooked and a lot home grown). This won't work for everyone but my body obviously needed it. Pcos is such a minefield with so many different ways it shows itself it is difficult to know what to do.
Hey Ladies sorry I forgot this was my post haha!
I had my scan and it cane back totally normal. It was a internal scan and they just checked my ovaries for the number of follicles , apparently you have to have 12 or more to have PCOS.
Mine were under that, and my bloods didn't show raised testosterone
The doctors now thing I have a progesterone issue, so Ive got to wait and do 21 day bloods !XX
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