another month bites the dust!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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woke up this morning with af in full flow :wall2:
jus what u want to be woken up to.
2 days early, i lways come on day28 or 32 but noooo not this month,
cause i just love suprises :mad:
i just want answers, whys it not happening??
a month today till follow up appointment,
i really had a good feeling for this month. really went for it this month.
i should learn by now not to get my hopes up.
just hope we get some answers on the 19th april.
sorry for the rant girls xx
Sorry to hear you are feeling down. I had my 'down day' on Saturday when AF arrived! I also got my hopes up slightly this month....reading into everything!!
How long have you been TTC for and what are you up to in regards to tests?
We have been TTC for over a year now and ive had day21 tests and we are waiting on OH results.

i was down this morning but im not really now im used to it now.
i dont even now why i thought this month might of been any different.
i came off the pill july 2008.
i had my first appointment at the fertility clinic of the 1st march, follow up the 19th april.
im awaiting for a letter about wen my pelvic scan is, im meant to have that b4 the follow up but its not looking good.
all tests have come back fine so far.
have ur tests come back okay? do u have regular cycles?
Sorry ab :-( it hurts more when you really go for it I think. That was me in Feb. This month I didn't really do opks (just 3 and they were negative) and we just dtd every few days, couldn't be bothered with any more. When AF arrived last wed I wasn't as gutted as the previous month (still hacked off though). Be nice to yourself tonight, eat some chocolate :) hugs Xxx
Sorry sweety, its been 3 yrs for me and still nothing :hugs: hope ur ok

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ye i know what u mean kay, we never bothered with opks but had sex the right times in that week.
really made an effort.
think thats why im more hacked off cause all that effort what for?
feel so bloated, and get all the bloody aches u get wen witch is here.
iv got galaxy choc and had milkyways - had lol
just wish i knew why its not happening
Sorry hun, I was the same yesterday. Horrible xx
my was kinda yesterday, well in the night.
cycle buddy ;)
ur like me then u have regular cycles and ur tests have come back fine too,
its driving me mad not knwing whats wrong.
surely theres a reason, there as to be xx
We have had all the tests you can get and have been told we have unexplained infertility. Doc said there is no reason you cant get pregnant. It is so frustrating but sometimes there just isn't a reason and the more you ask the question the more you drive yourself nuts. I've stopped asking what's wrong and just want treatment now.

You have put me in the mood for a nice bar of galaxy cookie crumble now (yum) Xxx
Hi Ab, how are you feeling now? A little better I hope. Sorry she got you, but nice one consoling yourself with chocolate!
Have you chased up your pelvic scan? It might be worth ringing to make sure it's done before the 19th April.
do u recon thats whats gonna happen with me if they cant find anything i'll have to be on the waiting list for iui?
can u go through the nsh with it? or do u have to go private?
guess wat kay, thats tho one iv got.
iv never had the cookie 1 b4 thought i'd be daring and try it.
and its in the fridge so its gonna be lovely n hard :)
heya blondy, hmmm galaxy choc is soooo nice.
always makes me feel better, its even better wen its on offer.
ye im gonna phone them up to about the pelvic scan, been nearly 3 weeks now.
got my follow up appointment through 2days after my 1st appointment.
really didnt expect to wait this long for the scan, the nhs for us eh :(
Yeah hun that's what will probably happen. But I would bet my galaxy cookie crumble that it won't come to that & it will happen naturally for you. Gotta stay strong babe x

Ps you've gotta have a nice cuppa tea (decaf obv!) with your fresh from the fridge choccie bar :wink:
iv phoned up after my pelvic scan and u know what im not even on the system. not im impressed.
so the woman i spoke to is gonna get in contact with my gnyo and see whats goin on.
need it done b4 the 19th april but can see that not happen at this rate.
i felt soo sick last night after the choc kay, but cause it was there i couldnt stop eatin it :)
got a tiny bit left lol xx
Sorry to hear it hun *hugs*
At least you havd nuff choc at hand ;)
iv phoned up after my pelvic scan and u know what im not even on the system. not im impressed.
so the woman i spoke to is gonna get in contact with my gnyo and see whats goin on.
need it done b4 the 19th april but can see that not happen at this rate.
i felt soo sick last night after the choc kay, but cause it was there i couldnt stop eatin it :)
got a tiny bit left lol xx

I'll take that wee bit of choc off your hands abs if you can't manage it :)

That is very annoying they didn't have you on the system. Just as well you chased them! FX you get it sorted soon before the 19th apr xxx

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