Another friend pregnant!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Grrr another one of my friends has found out she's pregnant. She doesn't know I'm ttc but she was on the pill and she's not even pleased as its ruined her 'plans' because she wanted to be married first and her weddings not till April! Grrr why can't it be me after 8 months!

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Chin up hunni, your bfp will be extra special when it comes, its everywhere isn't it! 3 in last mnth for me but after tears and tantrums we pick ourselves back up and get on with it. Good luck xx
Aw hun, its always the way, my oh's nephew's girlfriend just had a baby, his two cousins, my friend and my friends sister are all pregnant! It'll be your turn soon hun and it'll be amazing :hugs: try and stay positive, I know its so hard. It took us 9 months to conceive Millie and it felt like everyone around me was getting pregnant at the drop of a hat and every time af came it was the end of the world and then it happened, it was finally MY turn and it will be the same for you too. It's worse when someone doesn't realise what they have is so precious, a little miracle :) good luck hun :dust: x x
Oh sweetie - it's so annoying isn't it?

When I was going through my first M/c a friend found out she was preggers and confided in me that her OH wanted her to have an abortion.... They had been together 4 years, lived together and were NTNP? Yet he didn't want the baby!

It wasn't my friends fault as I had kept my pregnancy and M/c to myself BUT I could have ripped her OH's head off. How could he not want his baby when my dearly wanted baby couldn't stay?? I was so frigging angry at the time.

My friend's baby is due on 31st December and her OH is looking forward to being a Dad :)

The point is sometimes people say the most insensitive things yet they don't mean them... Also if they don't know our situation they have no idea that certain subjects are painful?

I have had so many people have babies, fall pregnant etc around me this year that sometimes it feels like a conspiracy...

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I know how you feel I am fed up with everyone being pregnant and not me!

I have just found out my assistant is pregnant by someone who is not her husband and is therefore not keeping the baby, I was devastatedto find out that she was one pregnant (they do not want children) and two that she is having an abortion.

Why oh why when I so badly want a baby I can't seem to fall and she who does not fell after a one night stand?

I know I'm just feeling sorry for myself its just so hard to always be upbeat and hopeful.

Baby dust to everyone xx
There are certainly alot of people getting pregnant at this time I've just been told a friend is pregnant. Fx it will be us soon ladies xx
aw poppy & girls, know how you feel;

following my first mc - 8 colleagues announced their BFP's!

everyone was so uncomfortable around me - not knowing what to say, worse still the local

newspaper found out and published the story!

i was gutted x
I can't even begin to think how many people have found out they're pregnant in the 18months since we've been trying. This includes one of my closest friends who insists they weren't trying (although she did nothing but talk about how much she wanted a baby in the 3 months leading up to it-why bother!!)
One of my closest friend from work is expecting in Feb and she wasn't married (and was still a virgin) just a year ago! Another work friend announced she was 12 months pregnant when I was 7 and someone else from work has just told me she's pregnant and is expecting in July. I'm just so gutted as I was meant to be having our Babba in July too and know that the first half of next year is going to be so tuff as I watch friends have their babies whilst thinking it should have been us. The only hope is that we fall pregnant soon so I can start to get excited about our future again.
It's so hard. Good luck to you all :cry:
This year my sister and S-I-L have both had babies. 2 very dear friends are due this month (so they got thier BFP's just before me but I went on to have my first M/c - I would be due in a few weeks time :shock:), Another S-I-L is preggers, 2 other not so close friends, OH has 2 friends who have announced their partners pregnacies and someone I work with got preggers a month after coming off the pill!

That is just the people off the top of my head, there are loads of other 'friend of friends', OH's distant relatives etc..

Seriously, it's driving me nuts !!

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