Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Received my doppler today, and after a bit of time I think I eventually heard my baby's heart beat. It was very faint but could still hear it if up at full volume and TV off.

At least I think it was baby's and not mine. I placed the doppler very low down and didn't notice that much of a difference in speed from my pulse. It never really sounded like galloping horses either, so am I doing it right? Could it be my own heart beat I hear that low down when I can't hear it anywhere else on my stomach area?
babies heart beat should be faster then your own heart beat... sometimes when i would use mine i always got a pulse that sounded like a heart beat..

but yeh babies heart beat should be faster.. it does sound like a horse or a train...

best of luck they are so great... i got addict to mine :oops:
There are two things that give a "heartbeat" sound. One is of course baby, the second is the placenta (you) and what they call the placental flow. You will pick up the flow via the placenta very easily indeed, baby is harder to find, especially in the earlier days. There is a distinct difference, the placenta sounds more like a whooshing/beating sound, the baby is a distinct gallop/train-track type sound! Earlier days you need to go really low down (almost knicker line) and just move it around ever so slowely in tiny movements. I can now pick up baby's heartbeat so easily but the slightest movement and it's lost agian.
i dont think u will hear it with the angel as i couldnt haer it with prenatal till 23weeks as im a small person. listen to your own heartbeat then u will know if that sound was the babys or not but dont be alarmed if u cant find the babys heartbeat yet as its too early with that device :)
midwives wouldnt usually attempt to listen in at this stage as it is too early and often results in disappointment or the mummy being worried if she cant here it. Maybe give it a few more weeks
i used this certain doppler when i was pregnant with cameron... never again i was so dissapointed when i couldnt hear it, but like some girls have said you are to early to hear it really.. midwifes cant hear it till 16 weeks and there tools are more powerful than angel care...

dont give up though keep trying! :hug:
Oh I have to say I have the Angel Sounds Doppler, bought it while TTC'ing and haven't been dissapointed at all. I love it and have recommended it to many people. I bought it new on ebay for around the £20 marker and have found 'noises' since 9.5 weeks pregnant. I now hear him daily loud and clear. I love it. I bought the minty green one.
hi hun i couldnt hear anything on my angels sounds doppler until i was 12 weeks and it was the day before i went for my scan!!! goin try find you the wensite that i used that has got examples of the sounds and explains what they are. once you have heard an example of babys heartbeat you will know whether you heard it or not but do not worry as i was tryin to hear LO for 2 weeks before i finally heard it. wil go search for that website now hun xxxx
hi hun try this website its what i used to hear examples of what you are hearing such as the whistling wind noise and the pulse etc. please dont give up if you dont hear the heartbeat straight away leave it for a couple of days then try again. you will hear it eventually hun so stay positive and keep trying hope this website helps. ... sounds.php


p.s. sorry if im not supposed to post links im not sure xxxxx
Kimheath: Thank You so very much for the info. It was fantastic to hear all the correct noises I am supposed to hear. :D

I think what I am hearing at the moment is the Mother Blood Flow with Placental Noise. I am assuming it is still a very positive sign to hear this noise and will keep trying over the next few weeks.

Thanks again, ur a star..x :hug:
hi hun so glad it helped yeh i thought the same that if i cant hear the placenta working and blood flowing to it it must be a good sign. keep tryin and let us know when you hear LO xxxxxx
Finally heard baby's heart beat........Fantastic x x x
I bought a summer one and was very dispaointed, wont buy another doppler again.
Couldnt hear a thing
kimheath said:
hi hun try this website its what i used to hear examples of what you are hearing such as the whistling wind noise and the pulse etc. please dont give up if you dont hear the heartbeat straight away leave it for a couple of days then try again. you will hear it eventually hun so stay positive and keep trying hope this website helps. ... sounds.php


p.s. sorry if im not supposed to post links im not sure xxxxx

This is the site I found very useful and helped me a lot to distinguish (sp) what I was supposed to be listening for. x x x
Hi guys..wonder if anyone can help.. Back in early April i found out i was pregnant.. A week later was rushed into hospital with top right quarter pain and after being in hospital and flushed with antibiotics.. I began to bleed.. The nurse said it would probably just be spotting..a week later i was in shear agony and bleeding more..i had a scan and it looks like i had two pregnancies but a suspected etopic..i was booked to come back for further tests in a few days..but unfortunately i lost babe before i got there.. Upon arrito hospital they took bloods and said i had defo dropped in hcg but i had a rising level too just weaker... They were more convinced i still had a etopic in their..i was still bleeding and in pain two weeks on..laporoscopy was required to define the issue..i was awoken to good news i had cyst on ovary and baby where it should be.. I had lost a 12 week pregnancy and now i was lucky enough to still have one of two..the hospital continue with scans for about two weeks and found me to be 5w5d finally something was found on screen... Imagine my joy with mixed gruef for my loss already... Not only exactly 3 weeks on from my first loss did i loose this one.. I returned to hospital.. They scanned me couldn't see anything.. And sent me on my way...that was 13 th may... My period returned after about 6 weeks and became regular but not the same as tgey have been all my life im 35...i told the hospital i still felg pregnant and they took noo notice of me...every now n then i still feel pregnant..i spoke with gp and he said do a i pee on a stick.. Negative.. But the last 3_4 weeks i been feeling alot of movement and defo feel like a baby.. I feel like im going i bought a angel sounds doppler..i can hear my heartbeat in the middle of my tummy but of to the left side where i feel movement i can hear wat i believe are the sounds of the placenenta etc not found a baby's heartbeat but all the other pregnancy noises..i went to a website a lady put on here for the faws of angel sounds and thats all the sounds im getting ... Now i feel at least i know them sounds i hear are wat im feeling... But as ive picked up no heartbeat feel like im crazy thinks i am... But is it possible to hear those sounds if i wasnt still pregnant?? my fear id pushing my gp for a ultrasound and to find a empty womb again..i already greive every body and mind are so aware of the loss i struggle to believe its physiological?? Any help please xx

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