Oh dear...what a few days weve had! Both me and Elexis have had the sickness bug since Tuesday, i'm still not over it completely and to top it off ive started with a cold
We had a nice surprise the other morning, went to get Elexis up, picked her up and noticed her sleeping bag was wet, just thought her nappy had leaked wee through the night so took the sleeping bag off her and her white babygrow was brown
so i took that off and she was covered in poo all the way up to her neck, i yelled at OH to run the bath and grab me a nappy from downstairs then dunked the poor sleepy babba in the bath, needless to say she was not impressed! Took some bloody scrubbing as well, it was vile...worst poo explosion to date
Missus slept atrocious last night, first time since the new routine, she was waking every hour or so, didnt help that OH came to bed at 1:30am and started yelling at me because he couldnt find the TV remote, we have 2 remotes but dad came for the old sky box yesterday as his is old and on its way out so i said he could have our HD box, got him the remote knowing we had both in our room but now the spare has gone awol and i got a right bollocking for handing over the remote to dad without finding the other, tbh i am extremely annoyed and could punch OH, how dare he come carrying on, waking me up, being all loud and noisy while the kids are in bed all for a bloody remote! Gonna give him what for when he rears his ugly head this morning!!!!!!!
Little legs has her jabs next week too, Monday!
poor mite! im sending OH to be the bad guy anyway, i'll give mummy cuddles and hand her my phone that she adores so much when she comes out lol! Then on the Tuesday its tattoo day
tad scared tbh, was designing my own tattoo last night, think ive come up with a nice one that im happy with, was a bit worried as its only a week away and i had no idea what i wanted doing, some of the ideas i got i didnt fall in love with which scared me as this will be for life and if i dont like it im stuck with it so im pleased ive designed my own and actually like it
I shall indeed post pics when the tattoo has calmed a little
exciting stuffs!