My family :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Hi everyone :wave:

I thought I'd do one of these journals so I could tell you all about me and my lovely family :)

Well, I'm Pippa and I've been with my OH for nearly 5 years now and we got engaged 3.5 years ago. We decided to start trying for a baby when we got engaged and after 1.5 years of not alot happening we went off for some tests and we were told my OH has a very low sperm count, and the % of normal healthy sperm was about 2%. He has type 1 diabetes and has done since he was 11 years old so we were told this has probably caused it.

We were referred for IVF and were about to start a process called ICSI. I was in the middle of all the scans I had to have etc and because of our results we had stopped trying to conceive and were just going with the flow. We then found out that we had actually managed to conceive naturally :) I only did the test because I had felt a little dizzy and was 1 day late. I will never forget seeing that feint blue line and running downstairs to tell him!! We went straight out and got 2 FR tests and both tests gave a strong positive so somehow we had done it ourselves, and 9 months later our beautiful little Evie Boo came along :)

So that's the 3 of us!! We will be TTC at some point in the next 12 months once we have moved house. If our next journey is anything like the last one it will be filled with lots of laughs, tears and emotion, and hopefully it will have a happy ending again, but if not then we have our Evie. And I know whatever our next time trying brings I have a load of lovely people now to ramble on to :)

Thanks for reading, love Pip, Ian & Evie xxx
Awww what a lovely and hopeful story :love:
Beautiful story! I look forward to following your journal :hug:
Thanks girls. I hope anybody else in our position reads it and gets some hope from it :)

I will be adding to this quite a bit I think as we are very close to getting our first steps from Evie :yay:and she has found her voice too so lots of new words are coming (it is bad that she can say Makka Pakka better than Mum lol :eh:)

A nice addition to my journal - April 22nd @ 17:30ish Evie took her first few wobbly steps by herself :yay: she did some more this morning and started clapping herself afterwards :cloud9: we are very proud of her indeed :)
Oh how lovely well done evie boo!!!! x
Pippa , what a great sucess story for others in the same situation as yourself
Well done Evie Boo!

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