Dont know if Lexi sensed the upset in the household yesterday, she slept away most of the morning, after a rung OH at dinner time i just cried well into the late afternoon, my friend picked Elise up from school and took her to her house for tea! Lexi spent most the afternoon awake, it came to her normal settling hour and she was still awake, when she did fall asleep she was waking easily! at 10:15pm she was still awake after her feed, laid in my arms smiling at me and babbling away so i thought i may as well just take her up awake as i was never going to get to bed other wise, just seemed she didnt fancy sleep last night! I popped her into her cot awake and by 10:30pm she was nearly in the land of nod, stirring occasionally she woke at 11:10pm and again was wide awake so again after i fed her back in her cot awake, she nodded back off but woke again at 11:40pm, this time she did fall to sleep in my arms while feeding so i put her down and she next woke at 1:25am, 3:50am, 5:10am and lastly 6;05am where she was wide awake so i came downstairs with her, so i've had a rough night as well! Just feel like someone up there is trying to break me or something...had bad news and shite thrown at me since Saturday and i cant see it getting any better!
Going to ring the agency today as i want Jamie to quit his job so we can take them to the fecking cleaners as i asked his mum to find his contract out and that was dated 14th September, meaning he was entitled to paternity pay! Also with this sickness saga, last months wage was down by 80 but had a ssp put onto it which should of been on this months wage, so really that wage was 200 down...and all he had off was 2 days again, thats not right, and for this month, the accountant is saying he got paid £358 and some pence, ok so this incoporates 2 x ssp at £120 and 2 weeks full pay!!! pah dont think so when he gets around £200 oer week!!!! I dont know how they can argue that this is right, plus they are arguing him down that he isnt entitled to full sick pay even though his manager at the time said he accrued so many days sick a month and was entitled to a week at full time at least! Tried saying he doesnt have a leg to stand on as he didnt start full time with them while November last year, but his contract firmly states september, i'm so friggin angry with them, using the guilt trip on him that they "have done everything to help him out when he has needed it" fucking morons!!!!!
Anyway, i hope i get this job at my brothers work, it actually pays more than what Jamie gets anyway, not by much but every little extra helps! Gonna be gutted that i aint gonna see my little big princess hardly through the week as its 2-10pm just means i'll have to make the weekends extra special and as soon as something comes up on the day shift i'll apply for that!