and the countdown starts now...


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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7 days till my induction and can't wait hehehe. Really really really want this week to go fast now xx
Hope it goes fast for you Hun. Must be strange knowing when ur LO will arrive! X
Yay!! 7 days for me too but your arrival is more guaranteed than mine! So exciting though :)
Oh wow how exciting hun. Hope this week goes super fast for u xx
Am sure this week will fly by! Try and keep busy and get as much rest as possible - soon it'll be a thing of the past:)
It is very strange pos. Was just talking to my oh about how next week well have our baby. And also the doctors want to take complete control of my delivery because of my heart so i don't know how long it will be and they want to give me an epidural before inducing me. I'm not gonna feel much at all which is so weird.

Can't wait for the spd to go away Mrs. I'm getting so fed up now.

Fx well both go into labour the sane day forestlas maybe youll go before me? My induction is at 6:30pm. Gotta feeling hell be born on the 13th. Thanx everyone for the messages. Still feel so unprepared though. Can't believe he's going to be here next week xxx
I cant wait to see if he looks the same as the 4d. My lovely "positive" oh thinks he's gonna be deformed cos in the 4d he had his hand in front of his eye and he didn't hear the sonographer say it was his hand. He always thinks the worst xxx
What a funny thing for your oh to think, men! Your baby will be gorgeous!
A week today I have a sweep at my MW appointment at 9.30 so we shall see xxx
Hes weird sometimes. Lol. We got told a few months ago that the baby has a lot of hair then he started panicking that he was gonna be one of those kids that have hair covering everywhere apart from their eyes Lol my oh has a wild imagination sometimes. Still love him to bits though lol ooh hope it does something for you. I'll be keeping watch. Thanx rachael xxx

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