And the biggest problem with the Country is................

People like Baby P's mother and step-dad.

THATS what's wrong with this country :evil:
I was discussing with a friend today how I think its so terribly unfair that parents who work seem to get a rougher deal then those that don't work. Why is it that it works out better at times to have a handful of children and not bother working and claim from the state PURPOSLY as opposed to having an ok job but having to pay through the nose!!

The amount people have to pay for nurseries/childminders, housing etc whether it be council OR private is ridiculous and then on the other hand there's those who really take the piss with the benefit system, including people who cannot be bothered to work, or claiming disability when they could actually work, and people thinking they have the RIGHT not to work especially those that have barely worked a day in their life!! I and I'm sure alot of other people are sick of seeing a large chunk of their pay going towards this...

I also there are too many people especially our youth who think its cool to be uneducated and have a can't be bothered attitude, we are given so much (Free healthcare, free early education) why not take advantage of these things and bring back some pride??

I also say bring back student loans to those that are serious about attending university why take away further education to those that really want it but may not be able to afford it.

People not respecting other people everyone is so stressed out with each other with the economy going the way it is though its not surprising!!

Summary we basically need to start GIVING to those that want to give and stop people taking who can't be asked!!
I agree and as a mother who doesnt work and WANTS to work i find it really hard to get back to work at the moment even when i go for my lone parent income support interviews my lovely jobcentre lady Pauline always says to me- stay at home for now you are better off until your son gets paid time at nursery. As a single mum unfortunately this is the case- if i went back to work now i am still looking at paying at least £90 a week childcare costs (child tax cover "UP TO" 80%) thats if you have a child under a yr old its less for one over 2! and the nurseries round here are the minimum of £200 a week for 5 hours a day!! so getting a job where i work 4 hours a day- because i would have to leave to pick him up before the 5 hours is up and drop him off first too..5 days a week would barely cover that..let alone the fact that if i work i would then have to pay my full council tax again (£135 a month) and my full rent I just wouldnt be able to afford it..i mean i scrimp as it is esp now Haydens dad doesnt give me a penny...and i would be on less money paying out for more and strangers looking after my child. Believe me i want to work i hate feeling like i am scrounging off the state etc, I do wish the government would make it easier to go to work...if i had any family that could take Hayden a bit i might manage it but i just haven't, at least when he starts nursery in september i can get his nan to pick him up after nursery and i can get him after i finish work so i could do an 8/9 hour day 5 days a week and get by. The government def make it too easy to stay at home when you are single mum..easy for people who want that kind of life..but hard for people like me who WANT to and are ready to work again and earn there way.
Steelgoddess said:
I was discussing with a friend today how I think its so terribly unfair that parents who work seem to get a rougher deal then those that don't work. Why is it that it works out better at times to have a handful of children and not bother working and claim from the state PURPOSLY as opposed to having an ok job but having to pay through the nose!!

I agree with this as im going back part time when baby is here and really wont be making much after childcare. I do feel though that mums shouldnt be pushed into going back to work as i feel that bringing up your children full time at home WILL benefit society. I think its a shame in a way that so many children are in fulltime childcare and dont see much of their parents (except for an hour or so in the evening before bed and weekends)

I personally feel there should be more companies doing evening work for mothers which doesnt just consist of shop work or cleaning (not that there is anything wrong with that as i may end up in waitrose)

Claire x
Steelgoddess said:
I was discussing with a friend today how I think its so terribly unfair that parents who work seem to get a rougher deal then those that don't work. Why is it that it works out better at times to have a handful of children and not bother working and claim from the state PURPOSLY as opposed to having an ok job but having to pay through the nose!!

The amount people have to pay for nurseries/childminders, housing etc whether it be council OR private is ridiculous and then on the other hand there's those who really take the p*ss with the benefit system, including people who cannot be bothered to work, or claiming disability when they could actually work, and people thinking they have the RIGHT not to work especially those that have barely worked a day in their life!! I and I'm sure alot of other people are sick of seeing a large chunk of their pay going towards this...

I also there are too many people especially our youth who think its cool to be uneducated and have a can't be bothered attitude, we are given so much (Free healthcare, free early education) why not take advantage of these things and bring back some pride??

I also say bring back student loans to those that are serious about attending university why take away further education to those that really want it but may not be able to afford it.

People not respecting other people everyone is so stressed out with each other with the economy going the way it is though its not surprising!!

Summary we basically need to start GIVING to those that want to give and stop people taking who can't be asked!!

I 100% agree with you hun :clap:
Sorry forgiot to mention that they should give parents more oppotunities to work, ie working from home, flexibile working hours etc...

Fran I don't really see single mothers etc as scrounging off the state, I mean more those who PURPOSLY continue to have child after child knowing they don't have the means to do so...

My friend was a single mum and she got such a crappy deal just because she had a bloody mortgage!! i mean wtf? wouldn't the government prefer to see people getting on the property ladder easily getting the means to buy their property whether it be council or private...

Oh p.p.s People who commit horrific crimes and then get new identities etc that makes me VERY mad!!!
I think people's answers to this are very dependant on where they live and shouldnt neccesarily be judged, because where I live, there ARE a large amount of young girls who get pregnant to be housed, I'm not saying they are bad mothers but they just dont get pregnant for the right reasons. That is a fact and something that definately goes on around here.

Also, there are alot of foreign people that do get more benefits and housing/jobs than us which is definately a problem in my area and this view is common amongst the local people.

Before anyone jumps on me, this is MY point of view as it is a problem where I live so its bound to be more appanant to me.

I just think that everyone lives deifferent lives and so our opinions will be largely swayed by what goes on around us therefor we shouldnt tell people their opinions are wrong iykwim. :D

It also annoys me that me and OH work full-time (though obviously now im on mat leave) and yet as sharne said we will have to strugle more and get less benefits than those who dont work. There should be more encouragement to work than making it more appealing to do nothing.

ReggiesMummy said:
It also annoys me that me and OH work full-time (though obviously now im on mat leave) and yet as sharne said we will have to strugle more and get less benefits than those who dont work. There should be more encouragement to work than making it more appealing to do nothing.


Totally agree. It's completely breaking my heart to have to go back to work full time but it's a choice between that or not being able to pay for the roof over our heads. Basically the two of us have to work our arses off for no less than 35 hours a week while our child is looked after by strangers (we have nobody else that could care for her, my family work and OH's family are in a different country). It's the kind of thing that makes me want to have one of those drop down on the floor kicking and screaming "it's not fair" tantrums.
With regards to teenage pregnancy I cannot judge as i don't know everyones situation alot of girls get pregnant and then bring a child into the world they are taking responsibility and that is a positive thing...

What disturbs me which I can see may be where Loolas orginal post may be coming from (correct me if im wrong) is young girls PLANNING to have children when they have do NOT have the means to support the baby.
daftscotslass said:
ReggiesMummy said:
It also annoys me that me and OH work full-time (though obviously now im on mat leave) and yet as sharne said we will have to strugle more and get less benefits than those who dont work. There should be more encouragement to work than making it more appealing to do nothing.


Totally agree. It's completely breaking my heart to have to go back to work full time but it's a choice between that or not being able to pay for the roof over our heads. Basically the two of us have to work our arses off for no less than 35 hours a week while our child is looked after by strangers (we have nobody else that could care for her, my family work and OH's family are in a different country). It's the kind of thing that makes me want to have one of those drop down on the floor kicking and screaming "it's not fair" tantrums.

:( :hug:
fran_23 said:
my lovely jobcentre lady Pauline always says to me

does she have a lot of pens??? (I love the Leaue of Gentlemen)
See the biggest problem with the UK is ......

Me not living there anymore :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lol she reminds me of a little britain sketch actually :-) she is comical but i don't know why!!
Steelgoddess said:
With regards to teenage pregnancy I cannot judge as i don't know everyones situation alot of girls get pregnant and then bring a child into the world they are taking responsibility and that is a positive thing...

What disturbs me which I can see may be where Loolas orginal post may be coming from (correct me if im wrong) is young girls PLANNING to have children when they have do NOT have the means to support the baby.

That is exactly what I meant Sharne yes. I dont explain myself well at the best of times I admit. I never ever once said that I thought all teenage mothers were bad parents are their children are all doomed to be criminals as that is totally incorrect obviously. My point is that some young girls do get pregnant to get a house and benefits - Im sorry but that is true. Not all of them by any means but a fair few! And they boast about it. I had a woman come into work today, she had a four year old, she wasnt talking to me, she was talking to her support worker, and her support worker suggested to her that now her daughter was in school full time that it might be an idea to look for work, the woman said and I quote, 'no chance, Im going to get up the duff again so I dont have to do a shitty job' :roll: She then came to apply for a bigger house for the propective new baby and no I didnt look at this woman like she was chav scum, I just thought to myself, this is crazy! People would rather bring a child into the world that isnt really that wanted just for the sake of not doing a shitty job, or more so not losing out on the cushty benefits! Im not blaming the Mums so much as the Government for ever letting this happen in the first place, as there is no way back now.

I totally agree with Reggies Mummy too it is very dependant on where you live and in my case where I work, as to what affects you. Until you do see and hear it day in day out you cant understand. Its not all about reports and Gov statistics, as Im sure a lot of those are made to make the country look in a better state than it is anyway.
The bloody weather. We need more sun
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Fantastic, I like it!!!

I think the biggest problem with this country is that we're a fundamentally self obsessed society - too focussed on our own success and too materialistic. I'm all for a kinder, more giving society. Most of the problems in the world (and in this country) are due to intolerance and the refusal to look at different perspectives.

And if the government spent more money investing in the welfare state than on blowing up people in Iraq perhaps the NHS wouldn't be in such a state, and we'd have less baby Ps.
I went with my brother to the job centre yesterday, hes just finished college and was a bit nervous about going down there, refuses to join up for jobseekers because he doesnt want to be labelled a *Scrounge* and the two jobs we found for him on the little machine and printed off and called, we were told required at least a passing familiarity with polish :think:
We went back today, he looked at a few forklift jobs, went onto the website and you have to be in receipt of a benefit in order to be able to fo the training for free !!!

Another thing i think thats totally ridiculous is that if a man from the eu comes and works here, any children he might have back home get child benefit !!

UK Child Benefit can be paid in respect of children who are not living in the UK, for instance for children of EU nationals who work in the UK while the child still lives in the country of origin. For example, a Greek parent could be working in the UK while his family is still in Greece and be entitled to UK Child Benefit for any children living in Greece.

I cant presume to know what the biggest problem with this country is, but im pretty sure thats a few of them for me at least !
UK Child Benefit can be paid in respect of children who are not living in the UK, for instance for children of EU nationals who work in the UK while the child still lives in the country of origin. For example, a Greek parent could be working in the UK while his family is still in Greece and be entitled to UK Child Benefit for any children living in Greece.

And any UK citizen working abroad within the EU can claim child benefits for his children living in the UK, as per the reciprocal agreements between EU member states.
widowwadman said:
UK Child Benefit can be paid in respect of children who are not living in the UK, for instance for children of EU nationals who work in the UK while the child still lives in the country of origin. For example, a Greek parent could be working in the UK while his family is still in Greece and be entitled to UK Child Benefit for any children living in Greece.

And any UK citizen working abroad within the EU can claim child benefits for his children living in the UK, as per the reciprocal agreements between EU member states.

Saying that though... My dad still pays British taxes on his pension despite no longer living in the UK for nearly 10 years now and he wasn't entitled to claim child benefit for his daughter. He can claim the Child tax credit, but not all the other benefits that other UK tax payers are entitled too... I personally don't think its fair that the UK government take tax off him, just because he did a very dangerous and very important job for the UK government for over 30 years. Thats the thanks he gets...
But he's paying taxes on the pension he gets from the British state, doesn't he, and therefore won't pay taxes to the country he's living in, am I right? It's a terribly complicated topic, so I'm not surprised people get confused. If he was paid his pension by the state he's living in the UK government couldn't claim any taxes of him. Was he already a pensioner when his daughter was in the age where he could have claimed child benefits for her and if not, was he earning money from the UK or in the country he was living in?

I don't know where your dad lives, but if it's within the EU, there are reciprocal agreements between the membership states meaning that noone can be taxed twice on the same income. For example I live and work here, and pay taxes to the UK, so Germany cannot claim any taxes from me and I'm not entitled to any German benefits, but only to UK benefits, as this is the system I pay into.

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