And the biggest problem with the Country is................

baby-storm said:
A guy I know works in the caring industry he was saying the a while back he popped into the PO to pay bills for a lady, she had a very low income and was struggling to life comfortably, anyhow he got chattin to another bloke in the queue, the guy forigen, could just about speak english, told him how he had just moved here, and had been given a flat, a car coz her had a bad back, how the flat was ok basic but kitted out for him to start with ie fridge, sofa, cooker bed etc! and he was in receipt of benefits of over £100 a week!!

A guy I know who works in the Home Office said, I think it was a few months back tho, that a Unicorn came in a demanded a British passport, and he bloody got given one! And his bloody 17 kids! Meanwhile a white british OAP was trying to get her passport renewed and they kicked her out of the office, i mean they literally threw her out! The unicorns wife got Indefinite leave to remain stampedb on her passport, she was a national of the Kingdom of bloody b*llocks story made up to whip up fear and anger. Never did see that unicorn again...
TeenAsmaTeam said:
baby-storm said:
A guy I know works in the caring industry he was saying the a while back he popped into the PO to pay bills for a lady, she had a very low income and was struggling to life comfortably, anyhow he got chattin to another bloke in the queue, the guy forigen, could just about speak english, told him how he had just moved here, and had been given a flat, a car coz her had a bad back, how the flat was ok basic but kitted out for him to start with ie fridge, sofa, cooker bed etc! and he was in receipt of benefits of over £100 a week!!

A guy I know who works in the Home Office said, I think it was a few months back tho, that a Unicorn came in a demanded a British passport, and he bloody got given one! And his bloody 17 kids! Meanwhile a white british OAP was trying to get her passport renewed and they kicked her out of the office, i mean they literally threw her out! The unicorns wife got Indefinite leave to remain stampedb on her passport, she was a national of the Kingdom of bloody b*llocks story made up to whip up fear and anger. Never did see that unicorn again...

Huh as in magical creature?? im confused! :?
Steelgoddess said:
TeenAsmaTeam said:
baby-storm said:
A guy I know works in the caring industry he was saying the a while back he popped into the PO to pay bills for a lady, she had a very low income and was struggling to life comfortably, anyhow he got chattin to another bloke in the queue, the guy forigen, could just about speak english, told him how he had just moved here, and had been given a flat, a car coz her had a bad back, how the flat was ok basic but kitted out for him to start with ie fridge, sofa, cooker bed etc! and he was in receipt of benefits of over £100 a week!!

A guy I know who works in the Home Office said, I think it was a few months back tho, that a Unicorn came in a demanded a British passport, and he bloody got given one! And his bloody 17 kids! Meanwhile a white british OAP was trying to get her passport renewed and they kicked her out of the office, i mean they literally threw her out! The unicorns wife got Indefinite leave to remain stampedb on her passport, she was a national of the Kingdom of bloody b*llocks story made up to whip up fear and anger. Never did see that unicorn again...

Huh as in magical creature?? im confused! :?

LOL point being these b*llshit stories are just that, everyone hears about some immigrant who got this that and the other, pisses me off
TeenAsmaTeam said:
A guy I know who works in the Home Office said, I think it was a few months back tho, that a Unicorn came in a demanded a British passport, and he bloody got given one! And his bloody 17 kids! Meanwhile a white british OAP was trying to get her passport renewed and they kicked her out of the office, i mean they literally threw her out! The unicorns wife got Indefinite leave to remain stampedb on her passport, she was a national of the Kingdom of bloody b*llocks story made up to whip up fear and anger. Never did see that unicorn again...

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
zebrastripes said:
"Firstly, I did not blame the entire state of the country on teenage mothers, I said it was my biggest gripe, and I 100% agree that most mothers try their very hardest in the worst of circumstances to make things work"

This is what you said

"Whilst everyone is on the topic of how messed up the country is, what do you think the biggest problem is at the moment and what do you think should be done to alleviate the problem?

My biggest gripe with our country is all those silly girls getting pregnant cos they get a council house"

You see how i drew the correllation.

"my massive generalisation was on purpose to get a response just like yours. I knew you would give a good answer"


"Others do not and do have babies for reasons more to do with what they can get out of it than they want to have a child, Im not saying that once the baby is born they dont love or want their child or that they automatically become bad parents, I just dont believe that they know the enormity of the situation they have got themselves into. My question is how the hell do we stop this?

No one realises how hard mother hood is until they've experienced it. Regardless of age. If one attempts to stop people having children because they don't understand "the enormity of the situation" humanity would become extinct :lol:

Poverty is the biggest cause of crime and sadly it is the council estates that are the poorest and have the worst crime rates. Obviously there are different levels of crime in every region of every town in the country, but statistics will show that crime is more prolific in council estates. Which in turn means the kids will grow up with crime in their life to some extent, whether they participate in it or not, its still the norm, and it shouldnt be.

That's what I said. You previously said

"So the kids is largely ignored and has no guidance as to what is right and wrong, as the parents havent learnt that themselves yet. So the kids are damaged from a young age, brought up in poverty and turn into the 'hoodies' that are carrying knives, shooting each other and generally intimidating people countrywide."

I don't understand why you posted views you are now disagreeing with?

"I find your quote very offensive that I would see all teenage mothers a chav scum. I work with teenage mothers every day so please do not presume that you know what my opinion of people is."

I was generalising here: they are the sort of people who would be sterotypes that way.
And I AM a teenage mother every day, and I found your opinion quite incorrect :wink:

"I am not saying its the majority of teenage girls, I never said that and I dont think it, but I do see it a lot and I do believe that bad parenting breeds anti-social behaviour obviously, and bad parenting comes from lack of education, so I think it should be taught at a young age. "

But in your first post you did say it.....bad parenting does come from a lack of ed, but the people inareas suffering most are unlikely to be educated at any age

I am afraid your contradictions have confused me. Is your first post representative of your true views,or your second? If the latter,why did you post the first?

My first post was a huge generalisation as I have said many times, and yes it was supposed to be controversial because I do like a good debate and I know you do too :) No I do not agree totally with what I said in my first post however I still stand by my thinking that some girls are silly, or perhaps irresponsible would be a better word.

I understand the enormity of becoming a mother, doesnt stop me from wanting to do it,but I still purposely havent had any children because I have never been financially secure until now and only now have I found a happy relationship. I have put off having children for 10 years for that reason, even though I have always wanted to have a baby, because I didnt want to be irresponsible, and wanted to put my childs needs first. I dont want to bring up my child in poverty. The women that are purposely getting pregnant are not putting their child first but then they probably think its going to be a walk in the park. If children were taught in schools how hard it is perhaps we wouldnt have such a problem.

My question is though how can we resolve the issue as the Government does have to give houses and benefits to these people of course, and Im not saying for a second that they shouldnt be entitled to a home and money, but there just doesnt seem to be a deterrant. Or do you think there is not an issue to be resolved?
deleted my reply as i'm off to bed soon then work then a party so little point in having a discussion if i aint here :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
You can't just say that it's all made up because actually there are people coming into the country who take advantage of our benefits system. Not that it's their fault because it's the system thats wrong. Who wouldn't say no to all that. But seriously you can't say a problem doesn't exist. Not saying that all immigrants should be tarnished with the same brush because they shouldn't and as has been said in numerous posts today they bring a lot to our country and are needed however that doesn't mean that there aren't issues with some immigrants that DO need solving and discussing. I think it's really unfair of you to just rubbish the previous poster with a stupid story about unicorns. It was patronising and rude

Lol i didnt say they are all made up, however baby-storms whole post was that the problem with this country is that foreigners come here and get everything on a silver platter, and I quote. I think my post was just about as unfair as her assumptions. My stupid story about unicorns was just as stupid as her post IMO, you dont have to like it.
I don't think the country has one big problem as such and I think overall it is good! I like living here :)

As for the teenage mum thing? I have to say that every teenage mum I've come across has been an amazing parent.
Mabey we just need more border control to stop illegal immigrants and slow down immigration untill this country can meet the demands of its own people it has now (own meaning everyone not those born and bred) I have no doubt there is room for more, there is enough work however there isnt enough houses to accomodate us all, we dont have the capacity in hospitals for the growing population, I mean people being turned away from maternity units and sent miles to other hospitals, people in beds in corridoors..we are lacking room. Then just look at the schools.. classrooms are pushed to maximum density sometimes 30 odd pupils per teacher.. you get a couple unruly children the rest will suffer. I just think this country needs to catch up with the demands of the people we have here now before accepting lots more.
i agree with some people just want to come here for the 'easy' life, and at the moment a member of my famiy is going thro this :wall:

and the being a young mum thing

i do agree certain people have that baby so they get the flat i went to school with some girls who will now admit it :wall:
but then u get girls like me who

thought she was in a loving relationship for nearly 5 yrs - turns out i was in love he wasnt :wall: yes i was 17 very immature etc BUT i grew up, i dont live on a council estate (altho i no girls who do and are brilliant mums) i live in a big 4 bed house with my parents
i am marrying a brilliant guy who works full time - not with me for the council house etc. like some guys are, and his more than willing to take B on.
i work part time altho i would love to be a sahm for us we just can not afford it, B will go without the very expensive stuff he wont run around in next gap clothes all the time but he is very much loved, ALWAYS fed (i mean he never stops eating :wall: ) i dont just chuck sweets at him to keep him quiet he has salad etc for snack
i admit im not the best mum and i make mistakes but i work my arse of to give him the life he deserves as much as possible

soooo loola i know wot ur saying but i also understan Zebra - the girls who do the having a baby for the flat do my head in to but also there are girls like me and zebra and otherrs on herre who are - were young mums who try there hardest and for me personnally having B was the making of me :D
I think for me, the worst thing about living in this country is that we have grown a culture where its too easy to sit back and do nothing. Its not a culture where success and hard work is rewarded.

Its too easy to get benefits (I mean for any UK citizen who have 2 legs and are able to get off their backsides to get a job but CHOOSE not to and would rather claim benefits, a lot of the time fraudulently) and those who do succeed get taxed to the eyeballs and get no help whatsoever.

Whilst I dont think that all teenage mums are irresponsible or leeches and ZS (sorry to single you out hun but your the best example!) is an amazing example of a teenage mum who I respect and admire and does a fantastic job, I DO think that there isnt enough help in place to stop teenage girls getting pregnant who do it irresponsibly. I know its a fine line as their children should not suffer, but its a bitter pill to swallow when I see girls I grew up with leave school with no qualifications, have 2 kids by 2 different men by the time they are 19 and are given a lovely council house in an area that I still couldnt afford to move to even now! Whilst I go to Uni, get myself in a ton of debt and then when I do get a good job get taxed 40% so that after NI, PAYE and student loan payment i come out with less than 50% of my wages...doesnt seem right somehow. :think:
I dont understand why people like us, who have responsibly waited to have children - until we can provide a child with the security that it needs, a stable family, a loving home, financially ok to do it - are not given more incentive to actually HAVE children - apart from the child benefit we dont get a single penny. When other girls and women (not just teenagers) have kids when they have nothing and then are given money, help, etc etc be it in the form of free childcare, £500 for a pram, benefits etc etc. To me, that doesnt provide incentive to girls who have been brought up on the poverty line etc NOT to have kids. They should be offered more benefits to go to college, get an education etc etc.

Whilst Im happy to pay my taxes to help those less fortunate than me get by in life - the sick and the needy etc, I DO begrudge working my backside off to keep other lazer f*ckers in booze and cigs whilst they sit on their backsides all day long and claim benefits and job seekers.

I think that there should be more of a balance. that balance IMHO has gone out of the window at the mo.
ZS :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I was a teenage mum when I had George, I did not get pregnant so I could get a council house and everything paid for me. Some girls might do this for this reason but I for one never.
It's funny how now I am 31 with an almost or 13 year old how no one looks down on me for still being a young parent. I have raised a polite, well mannered boy and worked bloody hard so I haven't had to be looked down on as being a teenage mum.

I'll add what I think this countrys problem is later, I have a hungry boy to see to!!!

ETA : I wish I was as articulate as ZS!
I love ZS... but she has to be in the minority in terms of a breastfeeding, teenage mum, still deeply in love with the father of her child for many years... But shes also a wonderful example :)

I can't really comment about a country I've not lived in for 6 years...but I thought I'd just applaud ZS :) Its bloody hard being a young mum with everyone looking down on you. :hug:
Blimey i think everyone will be standing for parliment soon with all these threads! lol

One of my biggest gripes (which will no doubt cause controversy) is the fact that the government seem to help out single parents more than couples which are together but still struggling financially.

I have no problem whatsover with single parents getting the help that they need as the majority of the time its not their fault they are in that situation. I do have to say though that the "accidental pregnancy" thing doesnt wash with me all the time. If you are using contraception then you dont get pregnant surely? I know there are circumstances that go wrong (ie split condom or problem with meds and the pill) but if you are having sex without using anything and then say "it was an accident" im sorry but thats rubbish and it annoys me that they are the ones getting help.

Anyway, back to what i was saying.. I have become pregnant at a similar time to two other girls i work with (they now have their babies). One has now been given a 2 bed house as she was "homeless" even though she has a family she could stay with, and the other has been given a 2 bed flat (bloody nice 2 bed). I know for a fact that both are still with their other halves but are purely lying to get the benefits..

Me on the other hand, i'm living in a 1 bed house with a mortgage we can just about cover and no idea how we will afford to ever move to a 2 bed. Things will be tight. I went on that "entitled to" website and if i was a single parent i would be better off financially. How does that work? surely they should both be equal?

I really dont know what the answer is but i think its such a shame that there are people out there lying to get extra benefits and a house. I know i couldnt do it as i dont think it would be setting a good example to my child.

Oh and also, still on the benefits system, i wanted to better myself and take a university degree but didnt have the finances to pay for it all.. would i get any help? no! if i sat on my arse all day and didnt work then it would be paid for.

So all in all.. the benefits system is my bug bearer at the moment as its the first time (since becoming pregnant) ive realised what little help you get.

Claire x
I've only one hand free so I'll make this short.

Lack of personal responsibility. As in...

This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody
wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.

Which is why the country is in a mess as everyone sits back and waits for 'someone to do something'. And when that something isn't done, fingers are pointed, blame is apportioned and scapegoats are made, to deflect from the fact that we are all, collectively, responsible for what happens in this country. If you're not happy, join an organisation and make change from within. Or start your own group. Little steps and all that... If nobody is prepared to get up and be counted then don't be surprised when the country goes down the pan. That's the consequences of leaving the decision-making in the hands of those who don't give a toss about the majority of others.

Okay so not as short as anticipated. :D
Tadpole said:
I've only one hand free so I'll make this short.

Lack of personal responsibility. As in...

This is a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.
Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody
wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.

Which is why the country is in a mess as everyone sits back and waits for 'someone to do something'. And when that something isn't done, fingers are pointed, blame is apportioned and scapegoats are made, to deflect from the fact that we are all, collectively, responsible for what happens in this country. If you're not happy, join an organisation and make change from within. Or start your own group. Little steps and all that... If nobody is prepared to get up and be counted then don't be surprised when the country goes down the pan. That's the consequences of leaving the decision-making in the hands of those who don't give a toss about the majority of others.

Okay so not as short as anticipated. :D

I agree with this actually and i would say im one of those people that sit here moaning about the state of the country and how its going down the pan yet i dont use my vote.. i just find it so hard to agree with any of the parties! The recent threads on this forum have made me realise i need to start educating myself about it all for the sake of our kids that will be growing up in this world.

Claire x
Squiglet said:
I love ZS... but she has to be in the minority in terms of a breastfeeding, teenage mum, still deeply in love with the father of her child for many years... But shes also a wonderful example :)


i am also in that minority then, i was 16 when i had my first son and breast fed him for 23 months, i am still deeply in love with his father and we have just had our second child and celebrated our 12th anniversary!!
zebrastripes said:
1. The myth that girls get up the pole for council houses

im sorry but the child in me chuckled at that. Ive never heard it put that way before :lol: :oops:

ZS - another great post :clap:
TeenAsmaTeam said:
baby-storm said:
A guy I know works in the caring industry he was saying the a while back he popped into the PO to pay bills for a lady, she had a very low income and was struggling to life comfortably, anyhow he got chattin to another bloke in the queue, the guy forigen, could just about speak english, told him how he had just moved here, and had been given a flat, a car coz her had a bad back, how the flat was ok basic but kitted out for him to start with ie fridge, sofa, cooker bed etc! and he was in receipt of benefits of over £100 a week!!

A guy I know who works in the Home Office said, I think it was a few months back tho, that a Unicorn came in a demanded a British passport, and he bloody got given one! And his bloody 17 kids! Meanwhile a white british OAP was trying to get her passport renewed and they kicked her out of the office, i mean they literally threw her out! The unicorns wife got Indefinite leave to remain stampedb on her passport, she was a national of the Kingdom of bloody b*llocks story made up to whip up fear and anger. Never did see that unicorn again...

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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