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Am serious this time! (Losing weight)


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Right as from today I am seriously starting a diet! I lost loads of weight after Aaron and felt really good but I have slowly slipped and am eating more rubbish than ever! Have now put on all the weight I lost and feel like crap! So from today I am exercising again and eating the basics! I'm doing well so far, everytime I feel like food I am having a cup of de caf tea and keeping myself busy! I want to lose about 3st (I can dream :lol:) in all hopefully but I won't be upset if I can't make it. I just want to tone up my mummy tummy! :lol:
That's it! I'm joining you! I am breastfeeding but I can certainly do with cutting all the crap out! On Thursday it will be 6 weeks since my section so I can't do much exercise for a few weeks but I will go out walking with the pram everyday whatever the weather!

Well done on losing the weight before! that's fabulous you know you can do it! I have no scales but my aim is for my jeans to fit the way they used to and to tone up that flabby mum tum , I reckon about 1½ stone would be great (that will make me ighter than before I got pregnant but I was wanting to lose weight then!) :lol:

Anyone else going to join in? We can keep each other on track like they used to in the losing weight thread!
I have been eating junk but doing sit ups every night its coming off now :cheer:

but i am getting lazy again. so im joing you pair :D
I could really do with losing weight. I lost nearly a stone after Jamie was born (other than the baby weight, if you know what I mean!) but I keep on eating crap, I don't know whats wrong with, I'm going to look a treat on when i go on my holiday in 2 weeks time :roll:
If its in the house I'll eat it.

My names Nicki & i'm a junk food addict :lol:

Good luck everyone :hug:
Me too!! I sat on my backside & ate cake & choccy my whole pregnancy, & basically used it as an excuse to be a lazy toerag!! :D

I need to lose bit over 2 stone to be pre pregnancy weight!!
Oh goody, there are a few of us! we should try and motivate each other shouldn't we? Yesterday I didn't have any naughty snacks but I did have thai curry last night using a jar of sauce which is probably full of crap :oops:

Its raining today but I am going to get myself and leorah wrapped up and go on a long walk, at least an hour! I had weetabix for brekkie, I'll have a prawn sandwich for lunch and I have low fat bolognese for dinner I made the other day using turkey mince, I also only use wholemeal pasta. Just fruit and yoghurt for snacks, we don't have anything bad in the house luckily!

Anyone else have a plan? :D
I went out today and got loads of decent food, no crap :D I've decided that chips are out the window and I am only eating baked, boiled or mashed potato. Have had pasta for the last two days which I find more filling. Have had no snacks except fruit and have been exercising like mad! Sit ups, jogging, crunches and leg work outs. My hubby is buying me a trampoline as that is meant to burn tons of fat. My sister's mate lost two stone in 6 weeks by using one so deffo giving it a go and it's only £18 in Argos!

So glad there are people joining me! Just a tip. Get a notebook and write down everything you eat and how much exercise you do and set yourself a weekly weigh in date. If you write down what you eat you feel bad about writing certain things down so won't eat them :D My weigh in days are gonna be mondays cos I started on a monday :D
Well done Strangness you are doing brillinatly, I find it very motivating! I will get a notebook today as I used to do this and you are right, once you have to write it you are less likel to eat it!

By the way here is a way to make low fat chips, they have these on the slimmers world diet and taste great :wink: Cut the potatoes into chip or wedge shapes (I leave the skin on for the fibre) boil them for 4 or 5 mins, drain them and leave them to dry a bit and then cook in the oven until brown and tender. They taste lush!

I have a trampoline in the shed! I will have to dig that out now. I wonder if I need to wait until I've had the all clear from the doc :? How long did your mate use the tramp in one session and did she just jump up and down or do exercises on it?

I have no scales so can only weigh in when I visit my DHs Nan every few weeks. I would get some but I tend to get obsessive! I am going to take all my measurements and measure every Monday instead :D I did weigh myself last ´week and have about a stone to lose until my pre pregnancy weight but I'd like to lose a further ½-1 stone.

Good luck everyone and lets keep checking in with each other :D
I think she did about 5 mins a day. You can just do jumps or jogging or star jumps it's all good! My sis has got one as well and she said it's quite hard to start with so she would only do about 50 jumps but she's right into now and she has got rid of all her weight which she has put on. She does it when the adverts are on in between programmes :lol:

Been doing exercises and eating well so far and I already feel a bit better and I'm only starting day 4 today! Been eating fruit instead of chocolate and sticking to my meal times. So far it is going well!
I started last week and I'm so pleased to see you're all doing it as well! We can help each other!! :hug:

I'm also weighing myself on a Monday as that's the day I bought the scales! :rotfl: When I bought them, I was 11st 7oz, and I want to get to 10st ideally. When I weighed myself this Monday, I was 11st 1oz! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I'm doing the GI diet, and it's a piece of p***! I've not felt hungry at all! Basically, the principle is that you eat low GI food. That food releases energy into your body slower than normal food, and that way, you don't feel so hungry! So yesterday, for instance, I had homemade muesli for breakfast, soya and linseed bread spread with floral honey and some carrot sticks for lunch, and chicken and vegetable chilli with basmati rice for dinner. Homemade muesli so far today, and I'm not hungry at all! :dance:
Right that's it, definitely getting the trampoline out!

Amanda, you have done brilliantly! Wow, almost half a stone in a week! I dont have scales but when at the hospital I weighed myself and then a week later weighed myself at my DHs Nan's and had lost 2kg (over 4lb I think) and thatw as without diet or excerise so I think my body is still recovering after the baby.

I have measured myself so this Monday may be too soon to see results but maybe I could just measure on Thursdays instead. Good news is I saw my doc today (have thrush of the boobs, so painful!) and she told me that I can start to exercise but to stop if it doesn't feel right. I am sticking with the walking for now as I don't feel i could run yet again, I need to build my fitness up. Its amazing how tired I get walking for an hour now, I used to think nothing of it! I started running this last year and then in January the weather was so snowy and icy that I stopped and then I became pregnant and didn't want to take any risks. This time I have found a leisure centre so i can go and use the treadmill when its snowy, no excuse!

I'm not on any particular diet, I've done them all :lol: For now I am just cutting all the seet things out that I normally eat. We eat healthy meals usually anyway. Tonight its salmon and steamed veg :)

Keep up,the good work girls and lets keep checking in!
Well done girls you're all doing so well :clap: It's so good having people on here to lose weight with, it makes me more motivated! Have been trying to do walking with Aaron but it's been raining so hard for about 4 days now that I haven't had a chance. Been exercising like mad though and that is going well so far. Only a few more days till the weigh in, I'm excited haha.

Just thought ide wish you all luck hope you loose all the weight you want :) .. wish i had lost more before getting pregnant again .
Thanks Katrina, that is mainly the reason I am losing weight is so I feel better before ttc ;) hehe. Weigh in day for me tomorrow! How you all doing girls?
Hi Strangeness, I look forward to hearing your results tomorrow!

Well things haven't exactly gone to plan for me, I've been eating healthy and walking but have had no time for trampolining or pilates as Leorah has been screaming most of the weekend with wind and I basically have had to carry her or let her sleep on me as DH was working!!

I do hope I can get more done this week, I am determined to lose the weight! :)
Can I join you too?? Id like to lose about 3 stone too. The chocolate I ate when pregnant has definatly left a mark. Id like to get back to 9 and a half stone. Is it to soon for me to excercise?? I had a bad tear and lost a litre of blood. If I take it easy it should be ok shouldnt it??

Of course you can join Lisanat! All you girlies who have just had babies take it easy though. Light exercise and healthy eating!

Well seems I did well this week just had my morning weigh in and I have lost....... 4lb!!! :cheer: Am so pleased! Knew I felt a bit better but thought I'd have only lost 1lb so I am chuffed! Must keep going now :D
Ooops. :oops: After a bit of a bad weekend, I've managed to put a little back on. :oops:

I was DH's birthday on Friday, so MIL had both kids and we went out Saturday night. Far too much wine, a curry on the way home, fry up in the morning to soak up the alcohol, then Sunday roast last night, I'm right back where I started!! :rotfl:

Oh well, here we go again! :roll:

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