Am I worrying about nothing?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2014
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Ever feel as parents we can never to anything right?

My little boy doesn't watch TV - maybe an episode of In the Night Garden once or twice a week but that's it, and he sits for the first 10 minutes then is off exploring again. All his wee friends all have a favourite programme and sometimes I feel like is he missing out? Should I be encouraging him to watch something?

He also doesn't really have an attachment to any particular toy - and never really has! Again all his wee friends are into trucks or trains but he'll just play with whatever and just now it's mostly the washing machine, a brush and duster!

He is in nursery one day a week and whenever I pick him up he's off playing on his own - they say he does interact well with the other children but just prefers his own company. I've noticed the same when we are out with friends, he'll play for about 5-10 minutes then just need his own space.

Should I be worried? He's 19 months old. He's very chatty (mostly in his own wee language) and very affectionate. He helps looks after my niece and babies in nursery by bringing them toys, dummy or bottle. He just doesn't really seem to take an interest in much.
He sounds just like my boy did at that age. Don't worry he's now a screen addict and has plenty of friends. He still doesn't want to leave the house much ask him if you want to go to the park and he looks at you as if you've asked him to cut off his own legs lol but he's happy. :)
I've never really encouraged him to watch TV as I figured it would come and best keep him away from it as long as I could, but now all his wee friends have their favourite programmes and he's just not fussed at all. I've even researched further into the autistic spectrum because of his lack of attachment to things - but he's great with people and very affectionate, good with eye contact etc. I guess we just worry about everything now? x
Aye. My son never had a favourite thing it wasn't until he found something that really sparked his interest (a bloody documentary on steam trains lol) that he started to pay attention to anything since then he went train mad. He's now nearly 8 and couldn't care less about trains lol.
If he's happy I wouldn't worry. Probably a good thing if he's not attached to too much yet anyhow, it will save you money to not buy everything associated with that attachment! Paw Patrol and Peppa are the bane of my life :lol: children have different interests at different ages too, and I think children with older siblings will find that attachment early on as they copy. If he's a happy wee man then that's all you need to focus on :)

I don't think you need to worry at all. I worry sometimes as my little girl doesn't interact with other kids, in fact she's often frightened although getting Better she still avoids other kids. My little one doesn't really watch tv. I put cbbebbies on in the morning while I get dressed etc but while she'll run through the minute she hears a tune once the programme starts she doesn't watch. I don't really encourage tv as as you've said they'll usually love it eventually. Don't worry too much and I know you've probably heard it before but try not to compare. If your little one is happy that'd great

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