The things I love about Sprog!


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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I realised that most of my posts here are a bit whingey, or asking for help. I've felt really low for a few days, and I feel I haven't been looking at any positives.

My favourite things:

When I'm feeding him, he'll come up off my boob, grin at me with a scrunched nose, and make gentle cooing sounds.

The concentration on his face when he's watching his hands. I wish mine were so fascinating.

Gummy smiles!

Little laughs. He doesn't do this often, yet, but he occasionally finds something so amusing he has to let out a dirty chuckle

How I really can see him learning something new every day. He's just starting to bear weight on his legs, and he thinks it's superb.

When he sees someone he's not sure of (like the 'other baby' in the mirror) he'll give a shy smile, and then bury his head in my neck.

The fact that his first "word" (noise that sounded like a word) was "bugger". He is my son.

Big blue eyes.

I could go on forever...
Awww babies are so fab arent they? Eva was shy of her reflection for a while too but now she tries to reach out and touch her! :D
Angel has this confused smile of "how can you be here and there, mummy".
They are absolutely amazing little things.
That sounds so much like jack I had to read it out my hubby! Apart from 'bugger', jacks 'words' all sound like posh cheeses: 'gruyere ' and 'agur'... sure it's a throw back from when I used to work on a deli counter!

And the mirror thing... we'd taken him out in the sling one day and in one shop there was a mirror that looked like the windows elsewhere in the shop. When jack caught sight of us both in it he looked so shocked! "Who's that baby with my mummy... and WHO'S GOT ME?"

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